Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

February 11, 2012

Just A Few More Days Around Yuma

Gain a modest reputation for being unreliable and you'll never be asked to do a thing.

The Gang!

Thursday was another group outing.  We visited Martha’s Date Farm for a tour.  Just about everything grows in Yuma and they grow everything year round.  During the winter this place is a salad bowl since they grow lettuce, cabbage and everything cool.  Then, during spring, summer and fall it’s cotton, watermelon, wheat and everything warmer.  Dates are a big product of this area.  Not only did we learn a lot about lots of things and not just dates,  we also had a great time.  Then, afterwards we trekked over to the Palms RV Park where Kay and Dan were staying for Happy Hour snacks and another great evening of getting together.

Check out the cute campfire.

Friday was moving day.  We pulled out of the park where we had full hookups --- electricity, water and sewer.  Why is it we’re so excited to have those things when we’re without them??  Then, when we have them we’re so excited to move someplace without them??  It used to be that we felt hookups were a necessity.  We’ve come to realize they aren’t.  Sometimes we like it in a park and sometimes we prefer the wide open spaces without it.

Date Palms

Tour Trolley

Usually RV parks have small sites that you back into.  Some sites are so small it’s difficult to park your car in the same spot let alone a trailer filled with ATVs.  However, we really can’t say that about the site we had at the Pilot Knob RV Resort.  The site was huge!  We had been at the park before and since we aren’t actually a member of their park, we were given really small sites but not this time.  It was huge and we could ride right from the park to the beginning of the dunes.  It was good but our time was up.  We had to move or they probably would have had to have a tow truck in there pulling us out.  The only bad thing about that park was the numerous speed dips.  heroThe speed limit in the park is 5 mph but if you try to go that speed over one of their dips, your dishes would crash out of the cupboards.  They have way too many and they are way too deep.  I think someone got carried away. 

In the past I had a little video camera that I connected to the handlebar tripod for filming some of our rides.  I had screwed the camera on and off so many times that it would no longer stay on any tripod.  Thus, it was time to replace it.  Down to Best Buy we went.  There is definitely a reason for being around a Best Buy and definitely a reason for not being around a Best Buy.  We found a new little video camera very popular for recording these little events.  And, it’s now mine.  I just have to figure out how it all works.   Obviously …. to be continued.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. That is a really cool little camera. Our son has one and he send us some really fun videos from time to time. Have fun with it. We enjoy your blog.

    Mike and Dee

  2. What is it with you and cameras? Martha’s Date Farm tour sounds so interesting. We need to add that to our list the next time we get in that area...whenever that might be. Love the little campfire. How cute!!!

  3. Sorry we missed the date farm tour. I love, love, love dates.

  4. You sound like I do...there is always a good reason for a new camera!

  5. What would Best Buy or Fry's do without you? lol looks like a great little camera.

  6. You are such a techie! Not only are you having fun on the ATVs, you film it so you can remember when you crash. You can watch how you did it from the comfort of your hospital bed. ;c)

    FHUs sure are nice, you get spoiled. Dry camping really makes you appreciate them. Then, tight little spaces in RV parks make you love the wide open, empty land when you boondock.

  7. We agree about Pilot Knob they are more like speed canyons, We were there earlier this year and will be back in about a week and a half for a few nights. Nice looking camera.
