Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

November 8, 2012

Desert Dwelling on the BLM

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Quartzsite has two regular grocery stores plus several other places selling either canned goods, boxed goods and even fresh vegetables.  The stores are nothing like the Albertsons store in Blythe (20 miles away) or the Wal-Mart in Parker (30 miles away).  Wednesday we went to Blythe.  It wasn’t necessarily because it was closer but just because we hadn’t been there since last year.  


Terry was actually looking for some plastic scratch cover.  That is different than scratch cover for vehicles we discovered.  The plastic on the JAG didn’t look like it hardly had any scratches when we bought it.  Lately we think there just might have been a magic finish hiding those scratches.  The scratches have sure started coming through.  We were in luck though because we stopped at the right place and talked to the right person.  Now at least we have a good temporary fix.


I wouldn’t have a lot to blog about if it wasn’t for my neighbor’s blogs.  I already posted pictures Coyote walking along the road in front of The Palmsof our neighbors and their setups.  Denise took some of our setups.  So, I “borrowed” those pictures from her.

Coyotes are definitely around the area.  Folks know they have to watch their little dogs as they certainly don’t want them to become the next meal.  We don’t see coyotes very often but we sure do hear them at night.  Barbara got a good picture of one taking a stroll in the late afternoon down the road behind her RV.

Denise discovered a hummingbird in her motorhome.  The bird flew around but never seemed to find the right place to exit.  Barbara rescued the bird.  We thought it was a goner but seconds after this picture was taken the hummingbird flew off. 

This is how it happens around here.  First one person (Barbara) finds a site and settles in.  Next someone else (Denise) shows up.  Then, another one decides to join them (us).  Before you know it a fourth rig is in the group (Toni and Doug).  Then, stalkers (Edie and Terry) start moving in.  At least that’s how it has worked around here so far.

Next, there is news that Coldsmoke (and perhaps, IYQ) might sail in for a night or two.  I think that’s just about the best part of snowbirding in the desert.  You just never know who might join you and you can always leave when you’re ready.

We’ve certainly been here longer than intended.  It won’t be long until we’ll be moving on too.  We really like it in the desert with the people we’re with.  However, we still need to get those wheels moving again even though we’re still not quite sure where exactly we’re going.  It has been a dilemma.  We’d like to go someplace we can ride the JAG but not so sure we really want to be Geri and Denise in the Jag(4)that far out.  I guess only time will tell.  Thank goodness we don’t have to make that decision today.

 Denise and I on a spin

It’s been warm.  Well, really it’s been quite warm here but with a slight breeze it’s actually cooler inside the RV than if it had been all closed up with the air conditioner running.  Over the next few days there is going to be a big drop in the temperature so things should really cool down.  We’re glad for that.

There are a lot of trails in the desert.  Some are fun to a walk on and others are fun to ride on.  In some places it is scenic with lots of large cactus and in others there’s just a lot of rock and more desert.  Terry and I are thinking it’s about time we find a few trails into town … and we’re going to do just that because in this area all types of vehicles (including ATVs) are allowed on the town roadways.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. "Q" still looks pretty empty. Guess that will change soon enough. We will be getting on the road Saturday, then we'll see whether we stop at "Q".
    Enjoy the time and the vast spaces there.

  2. Jeri & Sassy in the ATV; Jeri's expression looks like "hey I'm gonna put a scare in this Harley gal" and Denise looks like she is thinking "I feel a lot safer on my Harley".

  3. Cool! Going into town on the ATV. I like it.

  4. You girls look so cute in that picture. Looks like you are having a wonderful time!
    I don't remember ever seeing a coyote when we were there.

  5. Love the Jag. Great picture of you and Denise. Looks like Q needs us to be there, sadly, not this year. :c(

  6. what a great place to stay for a while!..even with the neighbours! :)

  7. Love Q at this time of year so peaceful and no traffic. Hope we make it that far, thats our plan any who.
