Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Plans -- Portland or Seattle ??

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
My father was a big football fan.  The Dallas Cowboys was his team.  Thus, part of our day  was spent watching football, enjoying a warm fireplace and feasting.  We usually gathered around the dinner table about 2:30 to 3:00.  Some folks eat at lunch time and others much later but with allfootball the food around it was impossible to be hungry.  With a full belly nodding off for a good long nap was also a possibility.  Ohhhh …. the memories!  However, we spend the day it’s usually a great day.

Terry’s mom is spending the day in New York City.  She’s going to the Thanksgiving Parade!  Needless to say, she was pretty excited about having the opportunity to see the parade in person and not on TV.

Terry’s plans …. he’ll be having Thanksgiving dinner with my cousin, Shelley, feasting at one of the casinos.  Most of them offer fantastic Thanksgiving buffets and that's where he'll be.

My plans … those were a little uncertain.  The plan was to spend jet1Thanksgiving with the kids in Washington.  Traveling over the holidays – any holiday – is a bit difficult.  When I started out Tuesday morning I wasn't sure that I'd make it. I was thinking I might actually be making a round trip that day  --- Phoenix to Dallas to Phoenix.  Oh .. I knew I'd make it to Dallas. The challenge was getting a seat on a plane out of Dallas to Portland.  When I checked in for the flight there were only 14 open seats for the whole day and 33 people standing by for those 14 seats.  My fingers and toes were crossed as I had no desire to spend the night at the Dallas airport.

Dallas Airport --- Feels like home!

I can tell you that it was certainly a very long day.  It was very long.  The flights to Portland turned out just as I figured -- over full.  What was the option?  In Dallas I decided to take a flight to Seattle instead of Portland. At least I had a chance to get there by making the change.  Tammi and Robert offered to drive to Seattle and shuttle me back. The traffic wasn't just with people trying to get flights.  The freeways were stop and go.  The trip took them 3 1/2 hours when it _nov22_1should have taken 2 hours or less. 

I've always found it difficult to know what to take when changing from one climate to another.  In Arizona the weather is warm -- almost hot -- and in Washington it definitely is not.  Matter of fact they have had more than their fair share of storms lately.  Storms usually mean turbulence.  I've been on hundreds of flights but when that pilot comes on and warns passengers of a turbulent ride ahead, I always squeeze that seat belt just a little tighter and such was the case this time.

Several years ago Terry and I were flying into New Orleans right behind a thunderstorm.  Actually, we were flying extremely low to avoid it.  It seemed we were barely clearing the trees.  That was probably the roughest ride we have ever been on.  People were screaming and barf bags were coming out .... obviously, that wasn't a fun flight.  When I think of turbulent that's the one I'm reminded of.  The flight into Seattle didn't even come close.  Thank goodness!

Remember not so long ago I mentioned that we had left our little blue boy up north by accident.  What do you think the chance is that the airline would let me check it back???   I'm thinking not.  They might let a new one fly but not one that's been used -- think of fertilizer residue.

Terry went shopping Tuesday. He bought me a birthday present since my birthday’s just around the corner.

This is it!!  This is what he said was my birthday present.  Just what I've always wanted -- a little sander!  NOT

I’m going to bet  he’ll be using this plenty while I’m gone.  He’s probably going to say he was just trying it out for me.

The following was a sign at a restaurant in Quartzsite.  Notice anything wrong with the menu?

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Wait....I though Terry's mom couldn't wait to spend time with you two, and now you tell us she up and left you! What nerve.

    Terry has always been the thoughtful one in the family.

    What is clam choder?

    Enjoy your family time!

  2. You love to live life on the edge, don't you? Flying standby on the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm amazed, to say the least.

    Terry sure is thoughtful, what a wonderful birthday present he got you. You sure landed a great guy!

    Enjoy your time with the family, I'm sure your not going to miss the choder one bit!

    PS: Glad to hear Justin made Third Class, he'll be an Admiral in no time if he keeps this up. ;c)

  3. enjoy your thanksgiving in the Pacific Northwest!
    we love clam chowder..don't know what clam choder is? Must be a Quartzite thing?

  4. Enjoy your Thanksgiving in Seattle .
    I guess in the desert they take the w out of chowder, cause there is no water, think??

  5. Happy Thanksgivingwe are enjoying it with Joe's family in Redmond,Wa

  6. We were there at that restaurant while doing our laundry during our one day adventure there and we both commented about the spelling...really one of my pet peeves!

    Have a great holiday and hope to see you in January in Q!

  7. Yeah I caught the spelling too but couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with no breakfast, no lunch and EIGHT desserts.

  8. I'm with Toni--apparently they have different priorities than I do.

  9. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Holy Moly ! You sure don't sit still for very long !
