Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

November 27, 2012

Shopping For A Bike

"Each day is a new life. Seize it. Live it."

Who would have thought shopping for a bike would be so difficult?  Who would have thought there were so many options?  Who would have thought that bikes could get to be so expensive?

Pick your price

 It used to be simple buying a bike.  You just needed to know what size you needed and sizes usually meant size of the tire.  You didn’t have to consider tire size and frame size.  There were specific bikes for boys and specific bikes for girls.  Over the years all of this has changed.  You almost need a bike consultant to help you get the right one.

There was a time that having a Schwinn bicycle meant you had one of the top bikes on the market.  Having a heavy sturdy bike was the ideal.  Even that has changed.giant  Buying a bike is like buying car.  We visited one bike shop that was working on the final touches of a $28K bike!

There are high end bikes and high end parts.  You can find the hybrids, the mountains, the cruisers, the comforts, street bikes, racing bikes and the list goes on.  The price of a bicycle can run into the thousands.  It all boils down to what you want and how much you’re willing to spend.

Even after you get the bike you want, you still might want to change parts.  Bikes today come with more than just tires, seats and chains.  They have shocks, gears and even disc brakes.  You can spend pretty much what you want.  It’s like having a Ford or a Mercedes.  I want the Mercedes bike but I want the price of a smart car bike.

My current bike is an Adventurer bike that folds.  I thought that would be ideal.  I didn’t stop to think if I went riding with someone else, that my bike required more work to get those small tires to cover the same territory as a bike with bigger tires.  I could ride half as far and work twice as much.  Well, if you know me, that wasn’t advegoing to happen.  I decided it was time to find another bike and that’s when I discovered I had no idea what I wanted.

6 Speeds and small 20” tires

I’ve tried some bikes out.  I can vouch for the fact that there is definitely a difference in shifting, riding and pedaling.  Again, how much difference was I willing to pay for ….. well, not that much.  Obviously, money isn’t too big of a problem.  I got an email today from someone at my bank.  I know it was someone at the bank because that’s where they told me they were writing from.  Anyway,  $37.5 million was being deposited into my account.  I’m sure it was real.


Even Terry had to get into the act. This is more his style of a bike. It has a motor on it. He may have taken it for a ride but he didn’t take it with him when he left the bicycle shop.

I’ve been to bike shops and more bike shops.  However, Craigslist is probably my favorite place to shop for a bike. One reason for that is I don't have to run all over town.  I’ve learned more online online than I have at any bike shop.  The search is on. 

This is what I have it narrowed down to … the decision will come tomorrow ????
trek trek7200

PS ... Terry bought me another birthday present.  He bought me a little TV so he could watch it while he played with the little sander he bought me last week.  Isn't he a gem?!!  I may buy him a bicycle I could ride for Christmas.  I'm thinking most of you see how our presents work by now.

  ‘Tis Life on the road.


  1. sounds fair and square to me! good luck with the bike shopping and enjoy the new tv, too!
    and belated happy birthday, if I didn't say it before!

  2. You two buy the best gifts for each other. You are both so thoughtful...hehe

  3. Congratulations on the windfall, just in time for Christmas. I can't imagine how one goes about buying a bike today. Growing up in Hannibal I had a 1 speed, middleweight bike that got me up and down the hills, but those hills are a lot steeper now.

  4. I would be hard pressed to go bike shopping just about anywhere in North America after having experienced it in the Netherlands. Those people know their bikes! I didn't even know what size I was, and that snippet of information was given to me within minutes of stepping into the showroom. And yes, it's still a challenge trying to decide. My wife and I just figured that, at this particular time in our lives, we were not about to "cheap out" and get something that we'd later regret. We bought a pair of Gazelles and well, they were pretty darned pricey, but it was worth it, as they are such nice bikes.

  5. Too funny how you buy presents for each other. Maybe you should get Terry tickets to a Chippendale's show... ;c)

    Good luck with the bike purchase. I use a different approach, I never buy a bike that sits higher than I want to fall. :c)

  6. We got rid of the bikes we had. Ed was tired of lifting them in and out of the Ranger. Said they were too heavy. We are thinking of replacing them, not sure, but if we do, would be interested in what you get. We were thinking of the bikes that fold down just because of the weight. I am sure you will blog about it, so will be waiting to hear what you get.

  7. I like the red one - because of the color. I want a trike and craigslist is where I go everyday to look for it.

  8. So big tires with small frame? I do need to be able to reach the pedals. And the ground. Not by falling over, either.

  9. Enjoy your new bike which ever one you end up buying.
