Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend Is Over

"If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy?" -

Holidays are a busy time.  Thanksgiving is no exception.  There are lots of family folks to spend time with, food to eat and shopping to do.  Normally, I would say .. not necessarily in that order but actually it was in that order.  To say it was a busy time would be an under statement.

Sabrina always comes up with some unique artsy crafty items.  This was her turkey for Thanksgiving.

Traveling on a holiday weekend doesn’t always work the way you hope. It didn’t for me – remember?  Once Tammi and Robert picked me up and delivered me to their house I went straight to bed. I was beat. It had been a long day that started in Phoenix, stopped in Texas on the way to my final destination – three hours north of where I had thought I would be heading.

Computers and games

I had to rest for the next day because it was the BIG day.  We had a fantastic meal.  Everything was so good and I proved it by eating so much.  I love those dinners with all the trimmings and that’s exactly what we had.  We had it all.  Once we had stuffed ourselves and the food was cleared away everyone got busy talking, messing with computer games, football, ceramics and checking out the Black Friday ads.

Black Friday ads
More ads


After dinner Mike and Sandi started decorating for Christmas.  Check out this tree …. it was my Mom’s tree from about 40 years ago.  The stand is from an old piano stool.

Friday was Black Friday. Sabrina, Jordan, Sandi and I tackled the mobs. Believe me there were mobs. Sandi and I had the job of holding off the crowds while the other two dashed for treasures. I must admit with crowds like that it’s hard to hold them off. Besides Sandi and I were smaller than most.


Black Friday crowd.  Sandi and Sabrina watch while Jordan tried on boots.


Later in the day it was off to visit Aunt Jenny at her new little home. Well, it’s an assisted living center .. kind of.

As I said .. it was a great couple days. The time flew by fast and it was  time to head back. Flights were really full. The good thing is that I was the first one on the standby list at the airport. However, I  didn’t make that first flight.  I was prepared for a long day rolling from one flight to another.  I had my computer, a Nook, a phone with lots of apps, an iPad, books, eBooks, audio books …. you name it, I had it. I had everything except a confirmed seat on a flight. That’s my life story. Been there, done that … lots.

Flying around a holiday is different than flying at other times.  There are fewer business travelers changing and canceling flights.  These were holiday travelers who rarely change.  The best you can hope is that someone would miss their flight and you'd get their seat.  Now I wouldn't wish that on anyone .... or would I?    __nov24_13 

The Portland airport is set up for people waiting.  Check out the service center which is equipped with free Wi-Fi, free desks and plug ins.  It’s like having your own little office.

My fingers and toes were crossed and the prayers were going up.  It must have worked because I was only rolled over on one flight!  I figured it might be a full day of waiting but it wasn’t.  I even got one of those roomy exit row seats on the first flight and upgraded to FIRST on the second flight.  Things were good.  


Thanksgiving is over.  The holiday is now behind us.  We have no plans to take to the airways again over Christmas.  We’ll probably be on the highway instead.

‘Tis life in the air.


  1. Traveling over Thanksgiving and doing black Friday sales, that's what I call a glutton for punishment.

  2. glad you had a nice weekend with your family! and shopping too!!

  3. That Sabrina is one talented lady. I love the creative!

    Sounds like the pain-in-the-butt-holiday flying paid off. Looks and sounds like you had a marvelous holiday!

  4. Welcome back. Love Sabrina's turkey - that is just amazing. Glad you had a great time and crammed all that doing in. Can't believe you went shopping on Black Friday. You are brave, brave people.

  5. Certainly sounds like you are a gluten for punishment. But at least you got to spend time with your family for Thanksgiving!

  6. Loved the change in your tag line. :)

  7. A healthy, vegetable Thanksgiving turkey? That's just wrong in so many ways... ;c)

  8. Glad to hear you are back safe and sound. But where are you back to/from again - you jet setter you !!

  9. Me too! Love the turkey. Wonder where she got the head. I am going to suggest it to my vegetarian family.
