Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

November 26, 2012

Saying I'm Sorry

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone.

sorryBeing addicted to blogging, there are some days I just don’t have too much to blog about but feel a big push to write about nothing.  Those days come more often when we're sitting still than when we're moving.  When we're moving down the road we have lots to write about.  When we're sitting still it's harder to come up with topics.  Sometimes we write about our personal feelings and experiences.  Other times we write based on concerns of others and thoughts we've shared with them.  I have fill-in blogs for times I don't fell like blogging.  This is definitely an old one and my last one ... so here goes.

Blogging gives me something to do and keeps me inside where it’s warm and cozy (or cool and cozy depending on the time of the  year).   Sometimes those days are well deserved after running around most of the time.  It might be a day that’s a little chilly outside or downright nasty and we’ve sat in the motorhome most of the time playing computer games, watching TV, reading a book or sewing.  Or, we just might be on the road moving from one location to another. Who wants to read about a TV show or the book I just finished?  So, here goes something else ….. again.  Actually, this was written almost a year ago and has just been sitting as a draft waiting until I had nothing to post.  I had forgotten all about it and have no idea now what was on my mind when I did.  However, here it is.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the little saying that the ONE most important word in the English language is Please.  The TWO most important words in the English language are Thank You.  The THREE most important words in the English language are I am sorry.  Saying Please and  Thank You show manners and are almost automatic words out of many mouths. I am sorry is so much harder for many to say.  When I first wrote this I had some examples to post but we all know when those little words would make a difference.  We don't need examples.  Sometimes they'll just make someone we care about feel better. Just sometimes they are more important to say than other times.

There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.  

The devil made me do it!

Sometimes we go through life and disagree with our parents,  our children, our siblings and our co-workers or friends.  No one wins. Everyone ends up in turmoil.  Sometimes we do things we don’t intend to do and someone we care about gets hurt.

We tend to view apologies as a sign of weak character. But in fact, it is just the opposite.  Being able to apologize is actually a very powerful skill.  It has the power to restore damaged relationships, be they on a small scale between two people or on a grand scale between groups of people and even nations. If done correctly, an apology can heal humiliation and generate forgiveness.  An apology can also improve our own health.

We’re all wrong at times.  Hopefully, we’re also all right at times.
crySome relationships are worth saving and maybe others just might not be.  Figuring out what relationships are worth saving and what ones are not might be the hard part.  Sometimes it is just best to walk away.  Sometimes we lose if we do and, therefore, we can’t. Sometimes those three little words can do a lot of mending.  That’s a decision we all have to make.

Pride can definitely get in the way.  If one waits too long to mend a fence ..... it just might be too late.  Life is short. Sometimes we may not have many chances to say those three little words.   When it's too late, it's too late.  Living with regrets and wishing we had do-overs is all that's left.

This is my last fill-in blog so now that means I need to get busy and get some more together I guess.

'Tis life on the road. ... 


  1. Pictures of Duchess make me happy. Just saying. If Jim wasn't sick I wouldn't have a think to blog about.

  2. There is not much going on either here. Just an unhappy hubby with a sore throat and a cough. That's enough to work on. ;))
    But the "I am sorry" is so true. I remember what an ordeal it was to go and say these 3 words to either of my parents after having a tantrum.
    Such a hard thing to do. Best not getting in the situation in the first place, but that was nearly impossible. Well things have cooled down over the years, but as you say: never forget to say it in time. Life is to short.

  3. We all get wise as we grow older. "I am sorry" might be hard to say but it's certainly nice to hear.

    Thank you.

  4. Life is indeed too saying I'm sorry may not fix the problem but at least you can say the 'effort' was made.
    Nice 'filler' blog.

  5. That was some filler blog! It actually was more like a therapy session. Hopefully I can afford continued treatments...

  6. Excellent filler posting, sure glad you found it.

  7. The poem is lovely. I at times find it hard to say I am sorry. I can't even tell you why that is. I find it easier sometimes to tell a friend I am sorry rather than Paul. I know he won't rub it in, but... I guess that stupid pride gets in the way!!!

  8. Nice post! I would love to have some back up posts stashed away, but I barely take the time to post even when something IS going on :( One thing I have debated is having a generic "fun facts" post about whatever state we happen to be in. I just never seem to take the time to do it!
