Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

March 20, 2012

Faithful Blogging and Crazy Weather

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature but beautiful old people are works of art.

I used to be so much better at blogging.  I was a faithful blogger.  Blogging isn't just writing and posting.  It also includes reading and commenting.  It's a big job and a lot of responsibility but all you bloggers out there already know that. For every comment I received I used to send a personal e-mail to the writer if I could locate where to send it.  It was intended to be a personal touch.  I was really good at that for a couple years.  Then, I got lazy and didn’t respond so much.  Some folks add their personal touch to their own blog by responding to comments. That works for them but since I rarely go back to a blog once I've read it, I don't do that. I guess I need to come up with another way to add a personal touch or maybe I'll just try to be better.  Perhaps, I can blame it on the sunshine.  Once the sunshine comes back out I'll get back to normal and not be so lazy ... maybe.  At least that's a good excuse for being so lax.

I try to reciprocate with comments.  Sometimes the old brain loses track but most of the time I don't get too far behind on that.    After all, the blogs on myBlogging reading list are there for a reason.  Either the writers are friends, commenters or the blogs are written about stuff that I’m interested in.  If you read a few blogs, it's difficult to comment on all of them.   Coming up with something to say sometimes can be difficult but we all try.  If not commenting, I'm definitely lurking.

Writing a blog is like writing a diary.  I have used it many times trying to figure out when we did what.  It’s easy to remember if you have something to remind you especially something like your own blog.  Everything is there for you in date order.  The problem is at times there just isn’t anything to write about especially if you’re not out exploring an area.

Over the last few days we’ve had crazy weather. It started in the 80’s and then was followed by a few days of rain, hail, wind, snow and temperatures dropping below freezing.

When we arrived the mountains were bare.  Now they are covered with snow.

In a day or two the temperatures will creep up again to the upper 70’s.  When the weather is icky all I want to do is wrap up and sulk.  That’s what I did over the weekend.  Today the sun will be shining again.  The temperature will be better than it has been and tomorrow will be even better.  I think Duchess will be thrilled.  I guess we have a lot in common since neither of us likes to be confined inside.  Perhaps, it runs in the family.

It's looking good for the next ten days .... unless it gets changed.

On the morning walk with Duchess we saw frost, ice and snow covered mountains.  I wish she wasn’t so picky where she wanted to do her business.  I wanted it to be a fast walk.  She didn't have the same frame of mind so it wasn’t.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. I have to be honest! If I think that you are going to reply to my comment, I won't comment. I don't want to put that pressure on anyone.

  2. I try to answer all comments but if I don't I don't think the blogger will be unhappy with me. I just ran out of time or don't have Internet connection. I enjoy replying because many times it leads to learning more about that person. Sometimes we find we have tons in common.
    I don't post comments ever thinking I will get a response. I have followed blogs for two years and have never received a response. No biggie. Just enjoy writing what you want...I always enjoy your blogs! ~wheresweaver

  3. I agree about the fundamentals of blogging. And it DOES take a lot of time. If one is retired it might just work out, but those who still have a job?
    Yeah, the weather's been acting up. Bea is coming home tonight. We are leaving for Campobello Island soon. Aw...winter is over.

  4. I hear you and feel your pain. Not always easy to come up with interesting subjects when you are not out and about.

    I try to reach out and at least comment on other's blogs who have been nice enough to leave me a comment or two.

    All in all I enjoy blogging, because of it, we've met lots of fun and interesting people (like you and Terry) and have found great places to go and tips on the RV lifestyle.

    Can't put a price tag on that! :c)

  5. Yes blogging does take a lot of time, by like you said its like a diary, a record of our travels, places we have been and people we meet. So nice to be able to find the details of where we ere 5 or 6 years ago. Surely can't remember it all.
