Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

March 31, 2012

Salt Lake City and the Family History Library

A family tree can wither if nobody tends it's roots

We had been warned about Salt Lake City and the freeway system.  Sandie didn’t like it one little bit and neither do we.  There is a lot of construction going on.  Sometimes we found it difficult to tell what white stripes are the new ones and what white stripes are the old ones. Thus, it's difficult to know if you're in an old lane or in one of the new ones.  Been there?

Our service work was done at Camping World and instead of hanging around or trying to talk them into letting us stay one more night in their free RV sites, we decided it would be best to get on the road and settled before the next storm came through.  However, we did get a chance to pick up a few little items on sale.  We always seem to find things that we couldn't live without in their stores. It's kind of like going to Wal-Mart.

Cutting board and strainer all in one.
New Exit Book on sale for $4.99
We held our breath and made it through the city and to our new park without any problems.  That was the good thing.  With all the traffic around Terry is sure that no one works here.  They are all driving on the freeways instead.  However, it's been a few weeks since we've been in a big city so it's probably just getting used to it again.  Obviously, we MUCH prefer the smaller little towns without all the people and without all the traffic.

Our present 61' site that still isn't quite long enough and many more $$$$ than we like to pay.

I’ve been to the library quite a few times in the past.  Technology has changed and so has the library. It used to be that most of the information gathered on family histories was either done in person at some courthouse, cemetery or library.  It also required writing many, many letters.

Family History Library

Much of that information is now available on the internet or can be ordered via the internet.  However, there is also a lot that isn't available on the internet and some of those documents are available at the library just down the road.  In addition to documents this library has many history books on families and on local areas. 

Haz_fam2 Foster_Sandel_Family
That’s the plan for the next few days and that’s what I thought I'd do. However, my planning wasn’t the best since the only Saturday that the library is closed is this Saturday. Wouldn't you figureheadstonewilliamy that one of Murphy's little laws would figure into the plan?

Genealogy has been a big hobby of mine since we attended a family reunion in Kerrville, Texas about 30 years ago.  All the “older” generation were busy talking family history and I got busy taking all kinds of notes.    Thus, the bug was started.  It's like a puzzle.  After that most of my travels for many years was just to visit courthouses and cemeteries where my ancestors had lived.  It’s like a mystery that just needed to be solved. I know it never will be but at least it keeps my mind active as I continue to look for little pieces here and there.

The library has changed.  Many of the card catalogs are gone and computers are on all the tables.  The “greeter” let me know that coffee and tea were not allowed into the library but I could bring my backpack.  I thought that was interesting but I already figured I'd get my caffeine kick before I went.  Friday went fast but by the end of the day my eyes were crossed from all the reading and such.  It was a good day and I'll be back at it on Monday.  This weekend we'll play a bit.

New portable scanner to take with me to scan pages in history books!!
That’s the plan for the next few days and you know how well we stick to our plans.  We change our plans just about as often as the weathermen change their forecast.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Geneology is my wife's passion well, but with few relatives in the USA mostly Canada and overseas. That scanner looks like it comes in handy.

  2. Would be interested to know how the portable scanner works. Have seen them advertised, but you never know!

  3. How smart of you...portable scanner. I am interested also in seeing how that baby works.
    We have never been in Salt Lake City and now...not sure I ever want to be. Enjoy your Sunday.

  4. I have never been to the library. I know, I know - I really should be doing something about genealogy. But it may not happen for me. And I really do hate trying to get around that place. The construction never seems to end and the traffic is horrendous. I want one of the exit books. Wonder if their that price down here? Have to check it out.

  5. I have a bunch of family tree stuff other family members have gathered but I never got into it myself. I feel like I SHOULD and I'm not good at should. :)

  6. Will not attempt any Geneology of our family ever again...years ago that began the biggest uproar in our family that never ended.

    Have fun and we hope you don't dig up any skeletons that as my grama said were suppose to be kept in the closet forever.

  7. Portable scanner, how does it work? Do you have to draw it over the pages? Is it accurate or wobbly?
    We have used the book "Behind the next exit" for 2 years and it is great. Easy to find truck-stops and parking areas. We got ours from friends. Where do you get the new ones?

  8. I've been dealing with lots of awful traffic also - today going through Atlanta, GA == NOT FUN.

    I sure do miss the peace and quiet of the desert.

    I was in CW today and missed that cutting board/strainer. Like to have one of those.
