Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

May 29, 2012

All Work and No Play

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.

And, we certainly have decided not to work all the time.  Guess what we did over Memorial Day weekend.  We had another family outing and another chance to get a family photo of all ten of us together.


We started out in clean clothes and on clean machines

All four ATVs were loaded up on the trailer and two trucks.  We were on our way.

atv_14 atv_7

As clean as the machines started out, there was no way they were going to stay that way.

atv_9 atv_5

We did discover riding in the mud was one heck of a lot of fun

atv_8 aatv_1

Bradley Trails is a very popular place to ride ATVs.  There are miles and miles of trails.

atv_16 atv_15

Kids really don’t ever grow up.  It was mud puddle after mud puddle.

atv_13 atv_17

The mud just got deeper.
atv_18 atv_6

The machines got muddier.

Polaris -- Before
Polaris -- After

Eventually the fun ended and the cleaning had to begin.  It was very difficult getting all that mud off the clothes and the machines …. even with a good pressure washer.


We had a great time and we scored another great family get together.  Riding the ATVs in Arizona is definitely so much different than it is riding in the Pacific NW.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Looks like so much fun but I don't like to get dirty (said with a whine)

  2. I'm kind of a wuss about the dirty stuff also, but you guys were having so much fun. So neat that the whole family is there together.

  3. Play is critical for mental health. Glad to see you not? going crazy. :)

  4. The dirtier you get the more fun you are having, sound like a great family get together.

  5. Looks like all play and Terry works!! Stay dirty.

  6. I love the family photo. What a super idea!

    Looks like you all had another wonderful time together. Gotta love it for sure.

  7. Wish I could have been there riding the ATV's and getting muddy !! LOL

    The Family Photo is gorgeous. Now put names to them for me.

  8. A family that muds together uses suds together. ;c)

    Now why were you so fussy over the color of your ATV after using it in all that mud? You can't even tell what color it is!

    Great family pix, it's a keeper!
