Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

May 31, 2012

Work, Work, Work

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. 

One of the fishing holes I showed Tammi -- close to her new home.

Memorial Day weekend was a certainly busy weekend.  Remember on Friday we visited all the graves of our loved ones in the area.  Saturday we headed to Bradley Trails for our family ATV event.  Saturday night Terry was up way past his normal bedtime helping Tammi and Robert buy a shed to install at their new home.  By the time Terry got back to our motorhome I was dead to the world.  Riding those ATVs was sure fun but I was beat.  However, he didn’t get home until long after I had already gone to bed.


The selection of the perfect shed wasn’t the hard part.  It was finding the one they had selected within a 50 mile radius.  Then, they had to get it, have it loaded and drive back.  Our ATV trailer sure has come in handy.


Sunday was not the day of rest.  Now that the shed had been purchased Terry was up for an early morning start to help Robert put it together.  Of course, not everything they needed was included in the box.  Following the directions and putting the shed up according to  those directions took all day Sunday.  For lunch Tammi barbecued hamburgers on her new deck to feed the workers.  By the time 6:00 rolled around Terry was a pretty tired camper.  Pizza was shed2ordered for everyone but he was just too tired to stick around and eat it.  We talked about having a barbecue at Lee’s place Monday afternoon.  I bought all the food ….. but that didn’t quite work out as discussed. 

Tammi and Robert had a couple pretty heavy items in their garage that needed moving.  With five strong men around, we figured Monday morning would be a perfect time to help them get those items moved.  So, it was another early morning start and another trip where our little ATV trailer came in handy.  Moving isn’t a lot of fun but when you have help it’s best to use that help when you can especially with the bigger and heavier items.  A good sized load was made from one house to another. Every trip just means there is less to move in the end. 

The heaviest item they had in their storage shed was a phone boothshed6 Terry had purchased many, many years ago.  We had it in our home in Washington and then moved it to Texas when we moved.  Afterwards Tammi took it with her to New Jersey and then had it shipped to Washington.  Now it is in the Lee’s garage.  And, yes, it is a working pay phone.  The boys plan on putting it back in tip-top shape.

It was a very busy weekend. 

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. That phone both is cool! Reminded me of the working pinball machine we once had in our basement. And of taking the phone receiver into the pantry to try to get a little privacy for phone calls. :)

  2. What a hoot...a phone booth. Now where will they put that?

    Your family reminds me of ours. Everyone helping out and getting the job fun. A ton of work but a ton of fun also.

  3. Love the phone booth. And Terry needs to take a break and rest. Good grief, man. I can't believe Jeri was in bed before you even got home.

  4. Sounds like a busy, fun family weekend, you sure got a lot done. Love the phone booth.

  5. A PHONE BOOTH!!!! And you have moved it all over!! hahahahaha

  6. My sentiments exactly - A PHONE BOOTH !! And one that has moved so many times. Oh Dear ! LOL
