Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

May 17, 2012

New Little Gadgets

Relax, refresh, recharge, renew, revive, and rediscover yourself!

Years ago we had a fantastic steamer for cooking vegetables and such.  This was way before it was popular.  I found this little rice steamer at Fry’s for about $12.  Even though it’s a rice steamer, it still works perfectly with other vegetables too.  Remember the trip we made to the fresh produce market?  This little steamer cooked the rhubarb, broccoli and asparagus I bought there.  


On that same trip to Fry’s south of Portland I found a couple writing tablets.  I’ve always wanted a little one to play with.  What a neat toy I thought.  Well, the store only had two of them and for a price way more than I wanted to spend on a new little gadget to try.  Thus, it was back to to see what they had to offer.  At a lot less price this is what I ordered and this is what I received.  Getting used to using it is taking a bit but like I said, it’s a new little toy to try out.
Terry also found a little toy on Amazon.  Actually, he was copying Lee.  Check out this new adjustable mouse both of the boys figured they  just had to have.  At least I can be glad he didn't want a duplicate of his son's computer including the 9 fans he has to keep it cool.  Did you know they now even have radiators for your computer?  That's right ... radiators.  I know because Lee has one!!  Technology sure moves on.


I mentioned the other day that my Aunt Jenny was in the hospital since she had broken her hip. We’ve been to the hospital quite a few times.  Nobody likes going to the hospitals.  Her retired son who rarely visits but surprisingly was here for her birthday last week didn't like it either.  It didn't take him long to get on a plane and head home but that's another story. 

Long gone are visiting hours and dull lobbies.

I’m certainly amazed at just how much the hospital waiting rooms have changed over the years.  This particular hospital has a fireplace,  piano, computers with wi-fi and a little café for visitors to use.


Sometimes it’s cheaper to have your car washed than it is to do it yourself.  Sometimes you even get a better job.  We got in line at the Auto Spa in Vancouver.  The attendant actually brushes down your car a couple times before you are whisked away into their car wash.  


Check out the attendant here as he was washing down the car ahead of us.  He was trying to multi-task with a phone on his shoulder while trying to accomplish his other duties.


Thursday morning update ....  we're still moochdocking.  We've been mighty busy folks.  Justin will be here tomorrow.  For now .... I'm heading back to the hospital this morning so gotta get out that door.  Sunshine is currently hiding behind the clouds but soon it'll make it's way through.  It's going to be another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest!!

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. A radiator??? What in the world for? I am so far behind the curve on technology I'll never catch up no matter how fast I run. Hospitals definitely have changed but I still don't like them any better. Sure hope Auntie is doing as good as can be expected.

  2. What the heck is an adjustable mouse? I have never heard of it!

    Hope Aunt Jerry gets up and out of there very quickly. That hospital is like being in a resort.

    Oh gracious. I thought Justin was home over Mother's day. Glad I didn't miss the photos of him. Enjoy your visit.

  3. My rice cooker is used almost every it! And WHAT is an adjustable mouse??? Tell us more...

  4. I have to check out this rice cooker. Sounds interesting.
    All these gadgets! It looks like something from another planet to me.:))

  5. What is the proper mix ratio of antifeeze to water for a computer radiator?

  6. All kinds of neat toys. Sounds like lotsa fun you are having out there.
