Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

May 9, 2012

Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.

When late spring finally comes around many street markets open over the weekends. We discovered a new little market in Vancouver.  It wasn’t a street market as it had been around for a little while. Actually it wasn't really new either since it had been in it's current location for a little while.  It was new to us though.  We had driven by before and noticed it but the market had always been closed.  Then Sabrina clued us in. This place is closed on Saturday for "family day" so we must have driven by on a Saturday or two.  


Chuck's Produce & Street Market is closed on Saturday so make it a point to stop on another day.  It was a great find for us. Check out the goodies we found.

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I ended up with everything you see here plus a bunch more.

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It’s not just the wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables we’re beginning to see fill up the spaces at the markets.  It’s also time for gardens to start showing off their blooms.  Thus, it’s planting season.

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You don’t find beautiful hydrangeas everywhere.


We’ve also made a few trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot.  I found this little Hummingbird book there.  I thought it might be something the Dahl’s could use.  

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Since we don’t have our own little flower garden, we need to enjoy the beautiful blooms wherever we can.

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‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Is that Vancouver...USA? I love going to farmer markets. The produce is always so fresh. I miss my flower garden so much. I get my fix the same way you do by looking at Walmart or Lowe's or Home Depot.

  2. Family day....they must be Jehovah Witnesses. That's their Sunday.

    We are going to be able to plant veggies and flowers here in a terraced garden right outside our rig.

  3. Gotta love the local markets for their freshness and color displays, sounds like a wonderful day.

  4. I am getting jealous.
    Some things are way better in the cities out in the boonies. For example choices and variety.
    Well, we cannot have it all. But, but...

  5. Jim has planted a tomato in one of those upside down things and it's hanging off the ladder. Not quite sure how we're going to transport it but I'm sure he'll think of something. Bleeding hearts are one of my most favorite flowers.

  6. Okay, rub it in. At least I got a couple of pictures to prove I had a hummingbird stop by my feeder! ;c)

    You bought everything in those pictures? Where do you put it all in your RV? I need to take lessons from you on how to store 10 lbs of produce in a 5 pound bag.
