Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

August 8, 2012

Blackberries, Raspberries & Birthdays

The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.

Happy Birthday, Tammi

Today is another birthday. We certainly have a lot of them between July and September. Even though we’ve already had the party, today is the BIG day for Tammi. So, Happy Birthday!

Honest now ... no more birthdays for a little over a month ... honest.

We’ve not really had what you could call “hot” weather until the first weekend in August. Then on Saturday it soared to 102!  That set a new record for this day.   It seems that August usually brings in hot weather in Southern Washington.  Those three-digit temperatures never last long and for that we're thankful.  Homes with air  conditioning are more the exception than the rule in this area.
Right on schedule that’s when the temperature started to rise.  We were dreading it because it meant not only the heat but also the lake areas would be swarming with people.  There would probably be more guests in our area than people who actually belong here. 

Sandi stayed with us four whole nights.  Between swimming in the pool and helping Papa with all his work, we did find time to take a good walk each morning, go swimming, play bingo and eat lots.

She's learning to take a picture of everything .... just like me!

Lots of greenery and lots of deer to see.

We made another trip to the storage shed to pick up four more boxes.  I’ll certainly be glad when we get finished going through all the boxes and get that cleaned out.  It’s much more work than I would have thought.  However, the fun part is getting to look at all the pictures I still have.

We loaded a couple buckets in the car and stopped at one of our favorite places to pick wild blackberries.  The bushes were loaded with the berries.  This is definitely the right time of year for them..

weekend_7. weekend_10

After cleaning the berries they were put into little freezer bags and stuffed in the freezer.  I had to be a little creative in getting them all in.  Thank goodness we hadn't been shopping for groceries or they never would have made it.  We also had some raspberries so we cleaned and froze those too.  We’re thinking we might go pick some of the blueberries off of Lee’s vines next!!  I could almost make a fruit pizza with all of this.

On Saturday evenings there are usually two events.  One is an outdoor movie.  Folks bring theirweekend_7 folding chairs and congregate at the Papa Bear Theater area.  Popcorn is free and so is the movie.  If the movie isn’t to your liking, there is always the bingo game.  Sandi was more interested in the bingo than the movie.  We planned on arriving early to stake claim to a good table and seats.  We figured we'd eat dinner at the little camp kitchen while guarding our seats and table.  That’s what we did.  However, as usual …..  it was fun but we didn’t win a thing. 
It’s certainly not been the lazy, hazy days of of summer.  It’s been warm and it’s been busy.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Happy Birthday to Tammi! I was wondering why all these people have birthdays during these couple months. I counted backwards...I can do that you see...and found out it must have been very cold there during the months of Oct/Nov/Dec...hehe kid us! Amazing.

    The berries look DELICIOUS!

    Your homebase is sounding better and better. Fee movies, popcorn, bingo... a place after my own heart.

  2. Sounds like you have been pretty busy having too much summer fun.

  3. Hmm blackberries, raspberries, blueberries --- all of my favorates.
    You sure are ahead of the blackberry season, compared to us. We have to wait another 2 weeks for the them. Blueberries are here though, so are raspberries.

  4. Happy Birthday Tammi. You guys really are going to need to rest up when you get on the road. You have really accomplished a whole lot of stuff this summer. Jim's been fishing so we're accomplishing what I wanted done this summer. The fruit all looks wonderful.

  5. I'm with Sandi, I would play Bingo too!! Berries look great. Love love love blackberries.

  6. It is so nice to spend quality time with your grandkids.

    And to see you are already training Sandi to follow in your footsteps, photography and bingo.

    She'll appreciate those skills.

    You didn't run across any bears when you were berry picking, did you?

    I've heard bears love the berries and when bears run into people picking berries, the bears eat the berries for desert...

  7. sounds like you are all having a great time! are brave to wear short sleeves while berry sticking the arms into the bushes to get the ones at the back?

  8. Happy Birthday to Tammi!

    Your blackberries look great. Ours are still a week or two away from being ripe enough to pick - can't wait!

  9. Happy Birthday to all of them. Enjoy the berries. Got cherries yesterday from a co-worker and I am going to make a cobbler tomorrow.

    We are still scorching hot. Tina and Jeff are coming next week so I hope it stays for them.

  10. Yes, I do see a lot of Grandma in Sandie, photography,free stuff,eating,playing,eating,playing.... we have Bingo here on Wed and Sat nights, haven't been yet.
