Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

August 23, 2012

Summer Reflections

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.
I’ve learned a few things this year. Maybe I should say I’ve confirmed a few things. Having a home base is very different than not having a home base.  Or, should I call it our summer place?  Is it good? The answer to that might be a strong maybe. It just depends on what the purpose of it is. In the past we’ve had this little place that we would usually pull our motorhome into and settle at for maybe a month or so but not a long period like this year. There wasn’t much work to do in the past so it was just a time to practically do nothing. A month isn’t a long time.  It felt good to have our own dirt  ... really, really good. This year it’s been a lot different.

We also had a constant visitor in the past but that was before Uncle Sam had other ideas.  This year not so much until recently.  Our granddaughter, Sandi, has been spending some time with us ... which we like.  She's such a doll to have around.  We have talks.  She goes on walks with me, goes swimming and tries to win at bingo!  We also have 0LMCH1great neighbors with the deer and the birds.   We don’t see a lot of our two-legged neighbors except on the weekends.  Then, they come in groups.  We used to like weekends best.  Now we like the quiet weekdays but September is coming.  When September shows up it starts getting pretty quiet just about every place.

Lee and Sabrina spent some time with us last  weekend.  We sure enjoyed their visit.  They were amazed at all the changes.  Justin arrives tomorrow.  In preparation for his homecoming he has already given his mom a list of foods he wants and mentioned he wants a barbecue with us. That’s our boy!!!!

We’ve been doing one heck of a lot of work that we didn't have to do before.  All work and no play makes Jeri a very dull girl. Half of me has a tremendous hitch itch and the other half wants to nest.  I'm not so sure I like the fight within.  In the winter things aren't so quiet and we have lots of company most places we go.  I do miss the camaraderie of our RV friends and being on the road.  You know the saying .. I’m just crying in my beer … but, oops, I don’t drink beer!  Sandi would tell me I'm having a pity party.

It may be too quiet here but being in an RV park during the summer can really be just the opposite.  It's a zoo.  You find many young families with tents, trailers and pop-ups. I’m not against that.  I think every family should spend time outdoors and camp with their kids.   It’s just that I don’t necessarily want to have my motorhome parked next to them.  The problem is the parks are full during the summer with people.  Actually it’s not just the parks.  It’s the neighborhoods, the fairs, the beaches and just about every place else is full too.

I’m blaming the little outing we took to the coast as being responsible for my hitch itch.  However, it really started 000coast_3before that … thus, the trip to the coast.   We have a little shindig planned here right after Labor Day.  When I originally started this blog over a week ago, we were thinking we'd pull out shortly after that.  However, family happenings sometimes change things and they have done just that.  We will share with you the changes in a few days.

I also originally wrote we didn't know where we would head but now I'm going to say we do kinda know where we'll end up this winter but just don't know quite how we'll get there.  We’ll be back to our little summer hideaway next year and maybe get a chance to look at nesting differently.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Figuring out what to do with our lives can be a real challenge. I do know I don't like being in campgrounds during the summer months. I,like you, think it's great that families are spending time outdoors together. But I don't want to be there with them. So where we park in Helena is really nice - except I get so bored. I do like our winter spot. Looking forward to going back down there. But I don't want to just sit there either for the whole 7 or 8 months or whatever.

  2. I think we need to have a group pity party since we all seem to be in some kind of funk! Does this indicate we are all going to turn in to SNOWBIRDS instead of FULLTIMERS...tweet tweet!! This has been a long summer!!!

  3. Can't believe how much has changed in our lives the past two weeks. Since we purchased the house, we aren't sure where we will spend the winter. We know we are going somewhere though. We plan to leave here the end of Sept., no later than the second week in Oct.

    I think I will adjust to the part-time travel fine, I just don't know about Paul. He is very happy with our purchase and the fact that he will be able to see Kelly so much. He gets bored very easily also. I think if he purchases some of his BIG carpeting tools again, he will be happy and busy.

    Sounds like you two and us are going to have a very interesting winter.

  4. You kinda sorta know where you'll end up this winter? You sound like my kinda gal. :)

  5. We sorta know where we're going this winter, too. Maybe. Just not sure when we'll get there.

    We have to keep a loose plan in place because our son in the Coast Guard (in Philly) is up for promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    Probably 1 Jan 2013, but that date is not official yet. There is no way we will miss this significant milestone, so we're idling in neutral until we get a solid date.

    Once the big day is over, Key West is just a "few" miles down the road.

  6. I guess we're lucky as Paulette and I don't seem to have the same angst that some of you seem to have with respect to fulltiming vs part timing etc.

    We love our summers at home and really look forward to getting away for 3 or 4 months in the winter to enjoy some sun and hot weather.

  7. All these tough decisions can wear you down, for sure. We have a rough plan for this winter too, but still remains to be seen where we will go and how we will get there.
