Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

August 27, 2012

The Final Call ?

…. for each of us, isn't life about determining your own finish line?   

Terry has received many calls over the last year about the health and downward spiral of his father.  Many times the calls were made as if that would be the final call.  He had gotten to the point of always questioning it similar to the boy who cried “Wolf”. However, the call he received just a little over a week ago he didn’t question.  There was a difference in that call. He thought that might really be the final call.

We have all lost loved ones.   We have all gone through times where we’ve said things we shouldn’t have said or not said things we should have said.  Maybe we’ve done things we shouldn’t or again, not done things we should have.   Maybe we forgot to say, I’m sorry.  Maybe, they forgot to say it. 

Sometimes the passing of our loved ones leaves such sorrow behind and other times not so much.  Relationships are very tender things.  Some are strong and some .. well, not so strong. How we treated others and how others treated us can never be changed.  What it was, was.  Many times we don't think about what we should have said or what we could have said until it's too late.  The peace we need sometimes leaves when the person moves on. 

The call Terry received this time wasn't really the final call.  The difference was that this time it wasn't a sibling making the diagnosis.  It was the doctor expecting Terry's father only to last a day or two.   After checking American, Southwest, Alaska  and US Air for seats, he discovered no seats were available.  It was summer and a busy Monday – one of the worst days to travel.  Our daughter, Tammi, had found an option for him … one first class seat on United via San Francisco was available using her points that night.  She grabbed it. 

This week the family has been alternating by his bedside .. 24 hours a day.  Tomorrow his brother heads back to Virginia but the schedule still goes on.  However, the doctor today was surprised that the father is starting to improve.  He will shortly be moved out of hospice and back into another care facility.  However, I'm not so sure when Terry will return.  It may not be for another week or so and then maybe just long enough to ready the motorhome for travel south.  Only time will tell.

We never know when we may not have another chance.  Sometimes it’s best to say what needs to be said before that Final Call.

'Tis life on the road.


  1. Praying for a peaceful final call for dad. Prayers also for you and Terry for comfort and peace. We love you both!

  2. I can feel with you. Having just lost my mother I know how difficult it is for the family. I am still seeing mother and simply can't believe she won't take the phone anymore. I pray for you guys.

  3. This is a trying situation, I can only imagine the emotional roler coaster that Terry is on.

    We will keep Terry (and you) in our prayers that you both will have the strength to deal with his dad's situation as it unfolds.

  4. You know my prayers are with you guys and especially Terry. It's a hard time and we send hugs.

  5. Wow, that's a hard situation to be in, with a very ill dad far from where you are. You can't keep flying back and forth, but you don't want to miss the trip that will be the Final Call. That's a really hard one.

    My parents are 90 this year, and I've thought about that a lot, too, lately.

    Tough situation, I hope it resolves itself easily for Terry's Dad and for you guys, too. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

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  7. That is a tough situation to be in and we will all be there someday too. As where's weaver said hopefully a peaceful final call for your dad.

  8. Prayers for you all, especially for your father.. that he have a peaceful 'final call'.

    We all must face these times in our lives. It is my prayer that God grant his healing hand in HIS way.

    God's will be done. Amen

  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both, I know the situation must be hard for Terry, hope peace comes soon.

  10. Here's hoping he hangs in there long enough for you to be able to drive south and get settled in. I think it will help Terry to have you and Duchess nearby when the time comes.

  11. and sometimes you have to just say to yourself that you always try to do the best you can by everyone, and yes, that's good enough. Sorry you guys are going through this.

  12. You are right about time running out one day for us dad did apologize to both my brothers before he died. Not me. He had a massive stroke and we were told that he was dating a woman he intended to marry so apparently did not think his time was short, though he was in his 80's. We forgive people FOR OURSELVES, and between us and GOD so as not to inflame certain people and start WW3...but it is much nicer if they apologize even so. But not all things happen on this earth as we would wish, that is for sure. Blessings on your hubby and family as you go through this difficult time!
    Elizabeth in NC
