Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

January 9, 2012

Roses and Thorns

A single rose can be my garden, a single friend my world.

rosethornTerry spent most of Saturday running wire and installing the newly purchased trimetric. Believe me it took all day long to run wire, solder and connect. At least it kept him away from the all vendors in town. However, just because Terry didn’t visit the vendors there was no reason I couldn’t. However, my trip was just a fast one. There were way too many people hanging around. I was just looking for new LED lights. We’ve got about 12 more days until the Big Tent comes to town. With the Big Tent will come many more vendors. We plan on hanging around long enough to check that out. Then, our plan is to hightail it out of here …. maybe. Or, something might just change our mind and we’ll stay. We’re so glad we don’t have to make that decision today.

Our first potluck of the season took place in the afternoon. However, it’ everyone a chance to mingle while they eat and share lots of stories. This we did just before the campfire.
beapeter sandiejim


As we travel around from place to place, we have met a lot of different people.  We’ve met some thorns and we’ve met some roses.  We much prefer to meet roses. Thorns prick your skin and can cause more irritation than pleasure.  There are many more thorns on a rose denisebush than roses.   That’s true, isn’t it?  We're usually pretty lucky in that we have met many more roses than thorns.  As sad as it may be sometimes,  just sometimes, we do meet some thorns.  However, over the last few days we have met a few new roses. 

Denise is a rose.  She also has a blog.  You can catch it here.  We had actually kind of met her last year .. not really, but kind of.  This year we really got to know her.  She’s more than a rose.  She’s a Canadian and a gem.  We’ll miss you, Denise!!

We’ve also met two more super nice people.  Peter maintains one blog (American Traveler blog) and Bea maintains another blog (Dinner-for two). Peter and Bea are now Canadians.  They were previously from Germany and Norway.   They have hung around with our group for the last few days.  We’ve enjoyed being with them and listening to their stories around the campfire.  Another really nice couple.  We certainly hope to meet them again.  They will soon leave for a new adventure at Joshua Tree National Park.

Another new RV'er we met was Ron.  He’s such a nice person and we have really enjoyed the time spent around him.  He joined us at most campfires and was very amiable.   Yep, Ron’s a rose too. 

Sunday we decided to move our current little group down the road a bit.  We actually hadn’t intended to move. Sometimes it’s just best to do that.

Sandie and Jim headed back to Apache Junction a few days earlier than planned.  Denise also pulled out a couple of days early.  

The hard part was moving our tacky little clubhouse but with a trailer and not far to go, the move was pretty easy since we had help.  We certainly had help. 

We moved and we’re happy campers now.  Tomorrow’s another day.  The sun will be shining and things will be good.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Thank goodness for all the roses that we met. The thorns can easily be forgotten. Have a great time and I'll be thinking about you guys.

  2. I'm sure you posted new coordinates for all the people headed your way. Now we just have to hope everyone reads those new coordinates so they don't get pricked.

  3. Your picture of the clubhouse scared me at first, I thought you ran into it with the trailer.

    I'm neither a rose or a thorn, I'm a burr under the saddle. ;c)

    We're looking forward to the big tent, too. Junst not the first day (or the second).

  4. We enjoyed being around you folks! Thanks for your hospitality and friendship. I love your rosebush/people thoughts. There is something to it.

  5. Well now you've clipped all the thorn's from the group, figure on seeing us on Sunday.

  6. Awwww I'm a rose. Thanks !!

    Very well worded post I must say.
