Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

December 15, 2012

Eyelashes and Eyeliner for Your RV?

"Happiness walks on busy feet."


_d15_2Temperatures have really dipped in Arizona.  The rain moved in along with the clouds Thursday afternoon.  Since then the temperatures have dropped but the humidity increased making it feel a little warmer that it really was.   We’ve had off and on rain and off and on sunshine since then.  I’m thinking enough is enough.  It’s time for those clouds and that rain to keep on going east.  The little weatherman that stays in my phone is predicting only a high of 57 today and more rain.  He’s not always accurate and I’m  hoping this is the case today.  Only time will tell. 


In the meantime we’ll walk around the puddles and hope that Duchess decides not to walk right through a very muddy mud puddle on our way to the pet walk.  Of course, she likes the mud puddles best.  Don’t all dogs?  At least it’s a long enough walk back to the motorhome that there is a chance her feet will get cleaned off in a not so muddy puddle back.

d15_6 d15_10


Friday Terry and I headed to town.  There wasn’t too much on our list.  We were thankful for that because it took forever to do the little bit we had figured we’d do.  First of all, there was a stop at Joann’s … again.  They had McCall’s patterns on sale for $1.99.  Some of the ones I wanted were sold out but I picked up a few others.  That’s a great deal for craft patterns.  Some of the ones I purchased otherwise would have cost $18.95 each!!


$2.99 Unleaded Gas -----

Next stop was the hair cut place.  We both needed haircuts.  If you’re on the road, getting a consistent haircut rarely happens.  Every time you need a haircut you have to go to a new stylist or barber.  Sometimes you get a good job and other times you get chopped.  We stopped at three different places.  Two were packed with folks waiting for a cut.  The other place – Sassie’s –- argued with us about what we wanted, we left. Terry’s haircut was fine.  I got chopped but it grows back so not a big deal.  The worst part was that Friday was a busy day.  Everyone in town was getting a haircut.  We had to put our name on a list and then return about an hour later.


We followed this fellow into Auto Zone.  Every couple minutes he was pulling up his pants.  They kept falling to his knees.  What’s wrong with a belt these days?

One more stop at Auto Zone was needed.  My bicycle had a flat tire.  We had put air in it one day but the very next when I went to ride there was another flat.  Obviously, it has a slow leak.  We’re hoping the Slime we bought will take care of that until we can get it into a bike shop.  On our way through the store we saw some really cute car eyelashes and crystal eyeliners for your car.  We thought of Jordie.  What a cute gift that would be … as a little filler gift!  However, once we saw the price of $45 we decided it wasn’t a little gift at all so back it went on the rack.  Sorry, Jordie.  The eyelashes were hanging on a rack with a price tag of $7.99 above it.  For that price it would have been great.  However, we also figured they were so darned cute that they might not last long on her car as someone else might decide to “borrow” them.  You could also put the eyelashes and the crystal eyeliner on your motorhome!  Interested?


That was just about it for the day.  Not too much going on but just enough to keep us off the streets and out of trouble.

Justin arrived back in Washington last night.  He's on leave from the Navy over the holidays!

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Eyelashes for my bike or car or RV - NOT !

    We've had pretty much the same weather here in Yuma although perhaps a few degrees warmer - but not much.

    Went on the bike this afternoon to do some errands and came back after only doing one. It was too darn cold !! My fingers were numb.

    Haven't seen gas yet under $3.00 but I did see one place today for $3.12. Sure hope it keeps going DOWN !

  2. Those eyelashes are cute but not $45 cute.

    Yay for Justin being home for the holidays!

  3., just search for 'car eyelashes' several available for under $10.

  4. Eyelashes and eyeliner on my motorhome? Okay, but I draw the line on lipstick!

    Gas here in South Carolina is $2.94/gallon. Of course, I drive a diesel... :c(

  5. I love your cloud pictures. They are beautiful. My last hair cut was a chopped one. I look like I have a bowl on my head. But it will grow out eventually. I noticed that diesel was the same price as it is here. In fact we found some for $3.63 the other day. And I am really ready for the rain to stop. Got the Blue Flame out and love it.

  6. what is the difference between a good haircut and a bad one?..six weeks!

  7. Love those pattern sales. I have a ton of them...honest...I AM going to use of these days (and all those yards of fabric too!). I belong to McCalls pattern club so I can order them on line when they have sales. I'm a sucker! The pants picture made me laugh- gee whiz, you'd think that would get real uncomfortable after a while.

  8. My wife cuts my hair and does a great job, her's gets trimmed once a year so we are low maintenance people that way.

  9. What wonderful news about Justin being home for the holidays. What a wonderful Christmas present to you all.

    Those eyelashes are priceless. So go get them ha ha.
