Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

July 31, 2012

A Few Weird Museums

“To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.”

We have been to some really great museums.  Now neither of us like going to every museum we come across.  There are so many of them.  It’s kind of a pick and choose thing.  We loved the Mob Museum in Las Vegas but we blogged about that a few months ago.  We tend to lean towards most any museum that caters to airplanes and such.  I still like the smell of jet fuel.  Maybe that has something to do with where I worked.  Working for an airline you better learn to like the industry or it’s probably time to move on.  


Many times though we don’t always know what’s around unless we read it on another blog or have a friend who recommends.  A great website for unique places to see in an area is Roadside America.  Ever check it out?  I’m sure most of you have.  I also discovered fairly recently that they have a new iPhone app.  This one is Roadside Presidents and it lists birthplaces, graves, museums, libraries, monuments to slept-here, ate here and dropped dead here locations. Of course, most of the landmarks aren’t on the west coast but every state has at least a few interesting stops.


Another is Mad Maps but since you have to pay about a dollar for five trips and there is no sample trip, I’ve not been convinced we would find this helpful yet.  They advertise it’s all about finding the most scenic routes and cool stops from natural wonders to rock’n’ roll roadhouses.  It sounds cool but many of them sound cool and then don’t turn out to be so much.

Other than that, you can certainly Google for ideas on places to visit in your area.  Here are just a few different museums that might be interesting … or, might not be.


Cockroach Museum – Not sure if it is still in Plano, TX or relocated to Phoenix
Can’t imagine why one would think up a museum for cockroaches but there is one. The fellow that opened it is an exterminator and fascinated with cockroaches.  The dead cockroaches are dressed as famous personalities and set in exotic sets.

Julia Bulette Red Light Museum – Virginia City, NV
Interested in the history of a brothel?  If so, this just might be interesting to you especially viewing some of the “toys” used in the 19th century.

Circus World Museum – Baraboo, WI
Maybe the circus is your bag.  If so, don’t miss this one as it has an impressive collection of circus memorabilia.

Sing Sing Prison Museum – Ossining, NY
Remember hearing about Sing Sing.  Now you can visit the museum and check out the electric chair and listen to the stories of the famous or rather, infamous tenants.
Lizzie Borden - Fall River Historical Society – Fall River, MA
This isn’t a museum for everyone.  Lizzie is the “lady” who hit her father 40 times with an axe.  Exhibits at the museum include a lot of gruesome artifacts.  Now if this interests you, you just might enjoy it.  For me, I think we’ll just plan on staying away.

Glore Psychiatric Museum – St. Joseph, MO
This is another museum that isn’t for everyone. Psychiatric treatments have changed through the years.    Some of those treatments were cruel and this is one place that  takes you through that change.

There are a ton more museums.  Sometimes you never know what's in a town you just pulled into until you start looking around.  It's not the common ones that catch the interest.  It's the weird ones that stand out.
‘Tis life on the road.


  1. I love most of those off beat museums but the cockroach - absolutely not. Is that app also for droids? May have to check it out. If I can figure out how to do that.

  2. I knew about Roadside America but not about the one about the Presidents. Will check that one out. I'm with Sandi...not cockroaches!

  3. At the Circus World Museum you also get to watch a performance. And, if you time it right, see the circus train load or unload.

    I enjoyed the Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa, but not everyone does. I learned about one hobo who used a gas can as a suitcase because it got him more rides. And I learned I am a tramp. :)

  4. We use Roadside all the time. Here are a few more I use

    I will pass on the cockroach museum if you don't mind.

  5. Now, now, Lizzie was aquitted at trial because no woman was capable of commiting such a horrible crime. Right? Women are such perfect people.

    Nice website about the presidents. Now I can find the place that's claim to fame is "George Washington pooped here". ;c)

  6. Lizze Borden is my pick. I haven't been to any of those - yet!!
