Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

July 29, 2012

Party Time … Again

The old believe everything: the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.”


It’s always fun to meet other RVers and especially the ones we already know.  Saturday evening we met Tina and Jeff at the Masthead Restaurant in Kelso.  In January we had spent a couple weeks with them boondocking in Quartzsite.  We had a lot of catching up to do … and that we did.  We loved being with them and know we’ll be meeting on the road again …. sometime
and someplace.


Just two weeks ago we celebrated Jordan’s birthday.  This is the time of year we have most of our family birthdays. In a period of three months we have eight of them … including Duchess. Its definitely a busy, busy time.


Little Michael
All grown up Michael.

Sunday was party time as Michael and Duchess were celebrating! They share the July 30th date. We really just celebrated Michael’s. Duchess gets her party on her birthday.  She wasn’t invited to this party.  Well, she would have been welcome I’m sure but we figured she was better off not attending.

Duchess - 10 weeks old
Duchess - still a little pup

We’ve been working on lots of projects. With projects come many stops at Home Depot. We should own the store by now. After the party we made one more stop. We had lots of odds’n ends to pick up. It was a little here and a little there. It’s amazing how many projects you start and then discover you always need something to finish it. This was that kind of stop. There were seven different projects we had to get little things at the store so we could check them off as done!

Another stop was at our storage shed. We’re slowly but surely going through boxes we had shipped up here when we took off in the RV. Yesterday we loaded four boxes in the back of the Jeep and have already sorted those out. This stop we loaded another four boxes. Eventually we‘ll get this storage shed cleaned out but we still have a ways to go. Believe me when I say it’s no fun to do this.

Here’s one of the fun projects.  Terry’s finishing up on the caulking. 

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Party time yes! I think that's what us rver's do all summer, no wonder we run away and head south for the winter, we need some R & R.

  2. Terry likes to caulk? That is a strange one.
    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Michael and Duchess!

  3. Happy Birthday Michael and another special one for Duchess. Way too much work you guys. But fun to see Tina and Jeff again.

  4. Party animals, that is what you've become!

    Do you use a spread sheet to keep track of all the family birthdays?

    Hope you did at least give Duchess some kind of birthday treat. :c)

  5. Family celebrations are the best! Yay, Michael! Yay, Duchess! She's family too, you know.

    We've been told the best way to do RV projects is to park your RV in Home Depot's lot until you are done. Makes it so much easier to get the missing item. :)

  6. Happy Birthday to Michael and Duchess!

    I hate caulking!
