Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

July 13, 2012

Preparing For The Road North

And I've been walking 'round with memories way too long.
Yippee!! Woot!  Woot!   YAHOO!!   It’s almost time to hit the road. Can you feel the excitement!!  Many of you understand the feeling.  . 

~~ Lake Crescent

Sometimes we’re like a horse heading to the barn  Most of you know what that’s like.  When we’re on the road in the winter time and it’s time to turn the motorhome north to see the kids, we just want to go until we get there.  We get pretty excitied.

On the same line of thought, when we get ready to head south for the winter we get excited to head south.  However, it’s not quite with the same exuberance as it is heading north after being away for a few months.

Well we’ve sat in the same area way too long and we’re excited again.  We’re not heading way north.  It’s just under 200 miles but we’ll be on the road again.  There’s something about that road rolling under the wheels that gives us an electrifying charge and especially after the wheels have been sitting for a while.  Those wheels have definitely been sitting for a while.  1marsh_thumb[3]

Sequim Tidelands & Bird Sanctuary ~~

We moved the motorhome into a storage lot.  That meant we shut off the power, emptied the refrigerator and took away the things we might need while not in it.  Getting ready to go again means we need to reverse all of that including cleaning the refrigerator and then restocking it…  hmmm.  Not so sure we’re going to like this part of storing the motorhome.  The refrigerator gets icky.

Terry suggested the other day we might find another place to park the rig where we can leave the power on and the refrigerator stocked.  Our first thought was …. the beach!!  You know how much we dislike being around the beach and especially after summer finally arrives at the coast.  We just hate it.  NOT!!

1freshwater_thumb[3]Right now the anticipation of heading out is at it’s peak.  The lists have been started and the planning in the works.  The destination:  Port Angeles – my old stomping grounds.  It’s a gorgeous place sitting on the US side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca across from Canada’s very British and beautiful city of Victoria.  It’ll be an anticipated  trip down Memory Lane as we head towards this year's family reunion.
~~ Freshwater Bay

A little trip back to Memory Lane.

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A couple years ago we made a stop at the house where I lived until I was 11. Michael and Sandi jumped out and I snapped their picture. We had chickens in back, a huge garden, a place for Dad's boat and a very large fir tree we used for sliding down the branches. In my memories it was a large house ... not so.

Next, we stopped at the house we moved to. Sandi jumped out and I snapped her picture in front of it. It was a much larger house.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. enjoy the process of packing up!!!..Port Angeles?..almost in our neighborhood!..well almost?..hope the family reunion is tonso of fun!

  2. Just think, no more projects to work on when you hit the road. No wonder you're looking forward to it! :c)

  3. Feels so good when those wheels move, even if only for a few miles. Not sure I'd like that repacking stuff though.

  4. Just love visiting old places we have lived, amazing to see how things have or have not changed.
    The advantage of us living fulltime is no packing and unpacking, just pull in the slide and lift the jacks, away we go. Have fun and travel safe.

  5. I'm realting to all of this post. Maybe I should borrow a kid to stand in front of old houses next time I visit my hometown. :)

  6. relating not realting. Is realting even a word?!

    NOW it wants to change it. :)

  7. Since we didn't make it to Port Angeles, I expect lots of pictures of the area.
    Enjoy your family reunion. Should be a great time for everyone!

  8. Have fun guys. Family reunions are a hoot. SKP family reunions are too. In good time.

  9. I can feel your excitement about getting back on the road even for a short drive.

    Give us a wave across the Straits here in Victoria!

  10. That sounds like major fun coming your way! Such a beautiful area. Wishing you two safe travels & lots of fun on your trip down memory lane.

  11. That sounds like fun. Haven't been to that are in years but remember it as being very beautiful. Enjoy.

  12. Its always fun to see the old houses you used to live in. I got the opportunity to do so when we were up north last year. Close to Saratoga and Burlington VT. Now I need to go to Huntsville, Ala. Not sure I could find that one though. The street in Burlington I thought was a large street. Not so!!
