Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

June 12, 2012

Almost Play Time

I wish life was a remote.  Play the easy times.  Pause the good times.  Fast forward the crap.  Rewind the memories.

 The contractor has finished with his end of the work on our home base.   Now we need to finish with our end of the work.  I’m sure that’s going to take a mighty long time.  It’ll probably be one of those never ending projects but as long as we continue to make any progress we might actually finish in a few years.  After all this isn't a house, this is just a sun room.


Actually we have decided to put off a couple projects until next year.  That’ll make it easier to complete our 2012 list within the next couple of weeks … we hope.  After all we still plan on heading up towards Port Angeles in July.  Who knows how long we’ll stay there and who knows how long we’ll actually be gone from here.  We might just get a little sidetracked.  We tend to do that often.


Writing a blog is hard when you’re busy doing things that aren’t really interesting to anyone but yourself.  I’m not sure anyone wants to hear about all the paint we applied, then had to reapply tired23again.  I also doubt anyone would want to hear how many times we bought blinds and had to return them or measured areas only to have to measure again.  And, the list of re-doing things goes on and on. So, maybe it's time to dig into my memory bank and start coming up with ideas for other blogs .... well, at least until we finish with this project and get on the road again.

I’ve found myself going to bed a little after 9:00 when it was still daylight out and then sleeping all through the night. Now that’s tired. I’ve also discovered those limp muscles again. They’ve been sore so we know they’re still there.

This is a very busy week but it’s not all going to be work. We hope to finish getting the blinds up and carpet down. That’s what we hope but if that schedule doesn’t work, I guess we’ll just reschedule for next week. It’s good to know we will have a break or two this week. I definitely think we need it.  So, it’s Almost Play Time.


I figured it was definitely time to break out a few pictures from a couple years ago.  Recognize any of these folks?  Yep, we know them and we'll be seeing two of them again shortly.   Here’s your hint on who they are.

Palm Springs, February 2010
Quarztsite, January 2010
Quarztsite Graduation, January 2010

The Weavers are coming to town!   Check out their blog.

'Tis life on the road.


  1. OH for heaven's sake. We only have seen that first photo. When did you take those others? Thanks for the shout out. I know we will all have a wonderful time.

    We are 3 blogs behind. You will have all our visits up before I even get the first Portland one up. Oh dear.

    You are right. Sometimes blogging can get to us. Sometimes we are tired after a ton of sightseeing and don't want to write BUT if we don't at least get an outline down on paper, we forget all the stuff we saw and did.

    I know that sunroom is going to turn our super. Yes you do have a busy week with graduation thrown in there. Hope we get a chance to ride out and see your new place.

  2. You just can't sit still, can you? You aren't supposed to be this busy as fulltimers!

    You'll give the rest of us a bad name... ;c)

    Good luck with your sun room, better you than me doing all that work. Hopefully you finsh soon so you can r-e-l-a-x.

  3. Nice that you are making progress and taking a bit of time off to relax. Don't want to get everything done at once, save some work for another time, or you just might sell that place and start over again.

  4. Nah, they give the rest of us a GOOD name since we are the ones getting it right. :)

    I am glad, though, that the Weavers will give you an excuse to take a break. You're not supposed to need an excuse but you, obviously, do. :)

  5. How's the weather going to be for the Weaver's visit? I think they're kind of tired of rain. But it seems to be that time of year in the PNW. We may actually see some rain tomorrow here in Helena. As long as it's not hail and wind I'm okay. Have a great time and relax. There's always next week.

  6. Enjoy them. Hope they make it this far.

  7. Whew! That seems to go fast. Last time I checked in here, there was only an empty shell. Now the sheet rock is up and it looks like a room! But I know how it is. One wants to have it all ready and done by tomorrow!
    Take a time out.

  8. Yup, recognized Paul and Marsha! Hope you guys have a great visit.

  9. Hey Kids, I must have missed a few so was surprised to read about the room almost being finished. Good Job. I'm hoping to get down that way sometime this summer, but then that's the Jello Ball planning. Hope the Weavers make it up this direction also.

  10. Awww, those were the days! Can relate to the painting and stuff. Have fun with Paul and Marsha, will be envious of the fun you guys will have. Tell Terry not to throw crabs at Marsha!!!
