Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

June 23, 2012

Is It Your Blog or My Blog?

The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason 
and critical analysis.” ~~ Dalai Lama

We all follow some blogs, are religious about reading others and have stopped following even more for one reason or another. We can read what we want, write what we want and if we want.  Sometimes we start following a blog because that blogger is writing about things or places we are interested in or maybe it’s because another blogger made a comment on ours and we want to reciprocate.  It might be the blogger’s style or maybe we know the blogger so are really interested in following their blog.  Whatever the reason some we like and some we don’t so much.  We’re all different, see things differently and interpret things differently.  Thank goodness for that because we definitely all like different things.  This also applies to blogs. Isn’t that true?  If you agree that it’s true then why is it there are so many authorities telling us how our blog should be written?

Over the last few months there have been several blogs posted regarding what makes a good blog.  I didn't pay much attention to them originally.  That is I hadn't paid much attention until one specific blog became the off-line topic of discussion with several blogging friends -- perhaps, writers of blogs you may also follow. It was then I went back and read several of these blogs.

The earlier blogs just gave suggestions on their thoughts of what made a good blog.  It was just their opinion.  Most were about personal preferences on form and appearance  --  many of blog9which I really did agree with – but not all.  I didn’t agree with some because it just didn’t work for me.  If suggestions don’t work for you, you don’t have to go along with anyone’s ideas but your own.  Their opinion isn't the law.  An example of one that didn't work for me, was the suggestion of putting pictures in a slideshow instead of posting on the blog.  I rarely view slideshows or videos.  If my friends have pictures, I want to see them on their blogs.  That's how we communicate.  Also, I’m an RVer and internet is off an aircard.  I might post a small video or slide show but it is very rare that I do.   Even when I upload pictures mine have already been resized to reduce upload time.  That's my preference.

Recently suggestions on what makes a good blog became pretty popular.   The original idea was to make the blog itself easier to read.  I guess a few folks figured if they had been writing one for a couple of years, they were the experts.  They just posted their opinions.   We all have our opinions and that's what a blog is about -- expressing our opinions.  However, then it changed to content of an RVers blog.  In other words the suggestions on appearance of the blog became suggestions on what you should or should not put in your blog. Golly, ever thought about having someone else write your blog for you? 

One blogger didn’t want to see pictures of flowers, family, pets or wildlife.  The blogger didn't want to read about a travel journal or craft projects and added this   …….” provide a link for the three people who want to look at them?”     Was that last little comment really necessary?     It’s simple …. if you don’t like a blog, don’t read it.  Don't insult other bloggers just because they don't post to please you.  We all have the choice to read a blog or myblog2not.    Read the ones you enjoy and not the ones you don’t.

Another blogger reminded us that our blogs should be limited to the RV lifestyle and if you want to write about something else, you should start another blog.    Write what's on your mind and not what's on someone else's mind.  After all ... it is your blog.

RVers do many things that have nothing to do with dumping tanks and solar panels or even being on the road and in a campground.  That doesn't mean they don't have lots of things to share.  They do and this includes their thoughts, beliefs, vacations, home projects, family, day to day life and many other things when they aren’t actually in an RV.  Face it ... some people are just better writers than others but it still doesn't mean we don't want to follow them.   In many cases we get to know the writer by their blog.  We follow the writer no matter what it's about. Some folks like to know about others and some folks only want others to know about them.  We’ve met them?  Haven’t you?  Blogging gives you the ability to do both as it levels the playing field. 
- - - -

The following are a few comments left by other bloggers.  I think these comments were very appropriate.

... . "blogging gives an opportunity to be creative yourself.  It’s our little outlet to enjoy the creative side of ourselves with writing and photography. 

…. “It is my blog and my thoughts…nuff said! “ 

…..”Ideas and suggestions are not rules, nor are they guidelines; they are simply what I said they are – “ideas and suggestions”.

…. “If you don’t like how someone writes it or you don’t like their content, just don’t read it.”

….. “What ever happened to blogging just being a fun hobby? ..never mind trying to fit a ‘square peg in a round hole’! “blog5

- - - - 

Whatever we want to write about and whatever pictures we want to post .. that’s just what we should do. It’s your blog so go for it!! When others want to tell you what to read, what to write about or what music to listen to, roll your eyes and ignore them.

That’s my blog and that's my opinion.   However, now I’m going to go search for pictures to attach.   I’m one who loves the little photos … mine, yours or even clipart.  To me a blog without pictures is like a day without sunshine.

‘Tis life on the road …. or sometimes parked in a driveway.


  1. The two times I have blogged about our trips I did because my family and friends were interested in our travels. Much easier to post once than to have to write 30 emails. If other people stumble upon my blog and read it, I am sure most of it is not interesting to them. I love reading rv-ers blogs. Have found many interesting places to stay and visit. If I don't want to see the pics of grandchildren, I just scroll down.
    I also use the blog as a travel diary so I will remember what we did when we get home. Enjoyed your blog today! :))

  2. Right on! On my blog you get whatever is on my mind. If you don't want that, that's your problem; not mine. I also like pictures but will post just text rather than go searching for pictures just to have pictures. But I liked your clip art, anyway. :)

  3. As the author of this comment you quoted ”Ideas and suggestions are not rules, nor are they guidelines; they are simply what I said they are – “ideas and suggestions” I agree completely with what you have written here.

    There's a big difference between saying this is how "I do things" because I find it easy; and this is "how you should do things" because you should do what I do.

    I don't agree 100% with the idea that we shouldn't read blogs we don't like or don't often agree with though. Sometimes, I find those pretty interesting and good for a good laugh sometimes. I especially get a kick out of bloggers who tell everyone what colors to use and what font sizes.

    I'm thankful you are not one of those who feels an RV blog must be totally about RV'ing either. Heck, what would I write about without laminate floors, dinners, gizmos, gadgets and cutting the back lawn!

    But, I guess if we're saying that any blogger can write whatever they want then that goes for bloggers who want to tell us how to write our blogs too - no matter how misguided they may be.

  4. It's mine and I do what I want. If they don't want to read, that's up to them. For me it's a journal and a way to share our rving adventures with people who care.

  5. I love the title...says it all! If I read a blogger long enough, I am probably going to either disagree or think a post is boring. It is just human nature.

    I AM SURE, people reading our blog, occasionally...I hope only occasionally, find us too wordy, too many photos or whatever. That is fine...move on to another blog.

    Bottom line...can't please everyone all the time or even some sometimes.

    Great job, girlfriend.

  6. Yep, we are our own authors and have "all rights reserved".

  7. well put... you won't see a blog about how to write a blog on mine...

  8. Right on....these blogs are ours to write what we want. Like you said....they have the choice to read them or not!
    (I like your clip art)

  9. Since I am the 'author' of two of comments listed..'nuff said' and 'square peg round hole'..well is your blog and you can say what ever you darn well please..good on you!..freedom of speech seems to come to mind..

  10. Love this posting. Really says it all.
    Its like reading a book. Some You like and some you don't, but eventually somebody reads them. Living in our coach fulltime everything I write about is about rving, its our lifestyle.

  11. I've been meaning to talk to you about your's too well written and beautifully illustrated with great pictures.

    It makes my blog pale in comparison. ;c)

    Actually, I'm just waiting for NYC's Mayor Bloomberg to come out with rules for blog writting, after all he's banned smoking, salt, trans fat and is going after soda pop. Blogs can't be far behind in his restrictive view of everybody else's life. :cO

  12. totally agree! And one more thought...I write my blog so that I can have it printed into a book and then YEARS from now we can try to remember what we did. And maybe the kids and grandkids will look at the books to get an idea of who their parents were and what they did!

  13. I will write in my blog about whatever is on my mind, whether it is a report of travels (in my RV or not), a day of griping, a philosophical rant, a photo overload of my grandchildren, or a description of the silly dog that just walked by. It is my blog, and I promise that I will enjoy writing about whatever I choose to write. I can only hope that some others will enjoy it.

  14. Well written blog. You get an "A" in blogging (JUST KIDDING!). Perhaps "user groups" should stick to the topic at hand but a blog is a highly personal writing experience. While we can learn from other's blogs, in the end it doesn't really matter what we say as long as it is what the individual wishes to say. And that's my say lol!!
