Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

June 10, 2012


“I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.”
-Thomas Jefferson

bloomWhen I thought of the title “Hogwash” I liked it.  I liked it so much I named this blog that before I had any idea of what I might think was really hogwash.  I didn’t want it to be about washing a hog.  It had to be about something well known that I didn’t agree with …. so here is what I finally came up with.  I think Mayor Bloomberg and his idea about limiting the sale of  16 ounce sodas is hogwash.

It’s about making everyone else do what he wants them to do according to his own beliefs and not what they might want to do. Sometimes when power is given to folks it does good.  Other times it really goes to their head and they get involved in things that are beyond what their authority should be.  Actually, I think what size drink folks order should not be of any business to a mayor.  He's just a mayor.  He's not a king. 
So, tell me just what is the job of a town mayor?  I guess a better question might be what is the job of the major of New York City?  It seems he feels it is his job to control drinking in New York City.  Oh no … biggulpnot alcoholic beverages but soda pop.

I’ve got to say I never ever order a 16 ounce sugary drink. I rarely order a soda at all but if I do, it’s going to be a diet one and it's not going to be a 16 ounce drink.   That’s not the point though.  I'm amazed that people of that city would allow a mayor to get away with regulating the size of drink they are allowed to order at a restaurant.  Only time will tell on that one but either way it is certainly hogwash in my opinion.

I’m sure you’ve read this story.  It's splashed all over the news about Mr. Bloomberg wanting to ban drinks larger than 16 ounces from nearly all dining establishments in the city.  However, there are many exemptions to this and some of those exemptions include drinks with far more calories or sugar content than the soda he wants to ban.  The idea is donutto reduce obesity.  Perhaps, the future of specials at a fast food restaurant might include two 10 oz drinks for the price of one. 

No one can really argue that obesity is not a problem but does the mayor of a town have it within his authority to regulate the food and calorie limitation for people?  Mayor Bloomberg wants to set the limit on qualifying drinks at 25 calories or more so diet drinks are exempt.  Fruit juice is exempt, smoothies are exempt and so are milkshakes.  What?  Many of those exempt drinks have loads of calories and some so many more calories than the soda he wants to ban.

This mayor isn’t the only one trying to micro-manage others with his new ban.  All of a sudden there are other targets out there.  What about McDonald’s being targeted to stop putting toys in Kids meals?  I thought that was hogwash too.  Disney just announced they would no longer run ads for junk food. However,  I think that's fine since it's Disney accepting their own commercial ads and not telling them what they can or cannot do.  It’s just when a political figure tries to regulate his constituents in this way that I feel is hogwash

What’s next? Will it be the donuts or a limit to the size of pizza or even the number of French fries in a bag.  What about the triple whammy hamburger? Will you be limited to two patties instead of three because of calorie content? Will hamburger be replaced with ground turkey? It’s like a tax. Once you allow it, who knows where it will end.    birthday

It's not whether a 16 oz. soda is a good idea or not.  It’s the idea that the mayor feels he has the authority to regulate the size of a soda folks in his town can buy.  That I believe is the hogwash.  There are many, many things that are much worse than a 16 oz. cup of Pepsi.  Is it just a matter of time before birthday cakes will be banned?  Where will it stop?

Just across the river in New Jersey there is another little issue.  It seems a new law may come into play soon.  It's regarding a required seat belt for your pet.  The fine is big bucks if Fido isn't buckled in.  
Oh well  …  we’re heading to McDonald’s to get a couple sodas while we can ….. that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!  (Actually, that's my opinion today ... subject to change should I decide to run for political office.) ..... I also know some of my RVing friends will be really mad at me for posting so many pictures of food.  It's something we all have a weakness for.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Oh dear...I agree with everything you wrote. Why don't they concentrate on issues they can really do something about. I would rather the esteemed Mayor do something about texting and driving. There is no way he is going to make a impact on kids or adults drinking soda. It just ain't happening!

    Even though we only take Bella in the car once every 6 months, I will be darn if she is sitting with a seat belt wrapped around her little body!

    Now you got me all worked up. Hogwash to that!

  2. bullsh^&t.... um no, hogwash... that is all i have to say...

  3. I agree with both you and Paul/Marsha. Hogwash with trying to manage calories when they don't forbid texting or talking on the phone while driving! Did you know your brain uses the same cells to talk on the phone it does to drive? Talk about hazardous behavior!

    BTW, I have no problem with your pictures of food. No calories in pictures. And none of them were my binge foods. :)

  4. I'm not a soda drinker but I think the Mayor should be worried about the city budget, the homeless, the unemployed, etc. I know obesity is a big issue and it does cost taxpayers a whole lot of money because of the uninsured people. But banning the sodas is not the answer. Our girls are always buckled, unless they figure out how to get out like Scootz did the other day. But should it be mandated, no.

  5. What I find funny is he thinks donuts are ok, as long as he thinks its ok everything is fine. Which brings us to the crux of the problem, the Mayor of New York wasn't put into office to Socialize the city and dictate what people drink or eat but he like Obama thinks HE knows best for everybody.

    The sooner we get Government out of our business the better. We get the Government we deserve however and we are now paying for being stupid about who we elect.

    Can't wait to see what the next 4 years brings... good post!


  6. My sister and brother-in-law were in NY city last year. They said you had to request a salt shaker in restaurants. They no longer leave them on the tables because salt is bad for you. However NY is attempting to change it's laws regarding public possession of small amounts of Marijuana due in part to the drain enforcement takes on the resources of law enforcement. Makes sense, now they can spend more on enforcing salt and soda intake!! Good post. About time people start speaking out for common sense.

  7. Sometimes I wonder if the politicos don't toss issues like this out there to stir up a response to simply mis-direct folks so they miss something else that they don't want you to see. Sorta like "the old shell game".

  8. But look at the blackmarket and prison business it will generate. We all need to get this fired up about many many many of our stupid laws that tell us what we can and can't do when we aren't hurting another person. Have your house robbed and the police will tell you up front you will most likely not see it again or find the people that did it. But we can put people in prison for all sorts of stuff that didn't hurt anyone but themselves.

    We keep voting for one side or the other and expect it to change. That is exactly what "THEY" want us to do.

    Whew, I feel better now!

  9. Hogwash is right.
    Now the pictures of food is good, I like all kinda of food, especially pictures , they are calorie free.

  10. I don't know how NYC tolerates Bloomberg. He's banned salt, trans fats and now is after drink sizes. He changed political parties to be elected and then has broken the two term limit tradition and got elected to a third term.

    All of his nonsence and the city is falling apart around him. Crime is up and the place is filthy.

    He's got more money than many countries, why doesn't he go do something worthwhile...for himself and stop enforcing his beliefs on others?

    I think I'll go order a large drink from McDonalds to cool off and go back for a refill. :c)

  11. Sad it no longer surprises me the legions of morons trying to save me from myself. In lieu of what I'd love to say .. "Let them eat cake" will have to suffice :)

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