Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

June 29, 2012

Crazy Couple Months

I have more zits now than I did as a teenager. Stress zits.

It has definitely been a busy couple of months. I feel we've been running crazy for sure.  Prior to that we were trying to beat the winds and storms as we made our way north.  We even stopped for a couple weeks reprieve and played on the ATVS.  Remember that?  It wasn’t so crazy then.  That seemed normal.  It’s amazing what has become normal and what isn’t normal anymore.

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Remember the fun times?

In the past we had a little place with a small cabin where we would move our RV in occasionally when in the Northwest.  Then, without much thought and a buyer standing there with cash in his hand, we sold it.  For a while we thought we made a poor decision.  We regretted selling so fast.  We actually liked the idea of a little dirt so our days were spent looking at other places where we might have that dirt. We looked at the beach and we looked at acreage but nothing seemed quite right.  Then, we looked back at other recreational lots and ended up with another place that was very similar to what we had before but different.  This is what crazy is all about and we were more than crazy, we were obsessed.

It seems this project will never be done.  We moved from one necessary and must-do project to hdanother.  You know what they say .. there is no rest for the wicked.  We must be pretty wicked because we’ve had no rest from this and I’m definitely feeling the stress.  Am I complaining?  You betcha!  It's my blog and I can if I want.

I’m tired of going to Home Depot for building materials, lamps, fans, carpets, counters and just about everything else that comes with setting up another place. I'm just tired of Home Depot.  There seems to be so many projects just around the corner.  We’ve started on some without finishing others letting the weather dictate our projects.  Isn’t this what we thought we left behind? 

Our latest project is pictured on our trailer below.  Notice that a dozen 6’ arborvitaes are just waiting to be planted.  We’ve waited long enough for volunteers to show up to help.  We waited.  We waited and finally figured we better get started ourselves.  Where are the friends when you need them? 


On Wednesday I was happy the craziness left for a while.  Terry promised we didn't have to go to Home Depot.  It was a great day with sun, no shopping, a little work planting those arborvitaes and a lot of sitting around in that gorgeous sunshine.   The arborvitaes didn't quite go as far as we wanted them too so on Thursday it was off  to get more.  Working outside isn't so bad when the sun is shining.

I feel like an RVer in waiting … I’m waiting for a little time to pass so we can get on the road again. We’ll only be heading a couple hundred miles north but the get-away sure sounds inviting right now and I know by the time we leave a lot of these projects will be behind us.  Isn’t that how snowbirds feel when winter starts to show up?


‘Tis life in an RV.


  1. You are suffering from the debilitating condition known as SIS (Self Inflicted Stress).

    Thankfully there is a cure, which is to get your RV rolling again. Good luck on breaking away and heading North for a rest. You need to clear up all those "zits".

  2. Busy, busy, busy. We never have liked Home Depot so you have our sympathy. Sounds like a bucket of money.

  3. We had to remove a whole row of huge arborvitae when we put in our RV cover. They made a great privacy screen while they lasted though.

    Get those wheels in motion and the stress will melt away.

  4. I don't mind volunteering for some things but planting trees would not be one of them. In fact, anything doing with Home Depot probably would not happen. You definitely do need a break. Head North, guys, Head North.

  5. The odd time we have felt like buying a place. Then read blogs like yours and that feeling goes away really quick. If we have an urge to do a bit of yard work and reno's we just visit other people and help out for a bit. No stress and no cost. Then the urge quickly goes away and so do we.
    Get on the road and enjoy that rv soon, you deserve it.

  6. It's certainly how this soon-to-be snowbird is feeling. I want all the projects done so I can just run away!

  7. That's the way many people are, us included. We're downright crazy. We might have everything we ever dreamed about, then we get rid of it and we'll start it all over again. Nuts!

  8. These friends are in Yellowstone going nonstop. We are sorry we can't be there to help out....haha
    Glad you are slowing down a bit and can now smell the roses.
