Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

June 13, 2012

Expressing an Opinion … But, Do We Dare?

Picture4In politics your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you.

Now who said we have freedom of speech?  We do but we really don’t.  There are many things we can’t really say or write about.  Oh, maybe we could but we won’t.

To begin with … I can’t sit down here and tell you how I really feel about things.  We have to either be politically correct, socially correct or thoughtful enough not to hurt someone’s feelings.  Our deep inner thoughts and feelings can’t really be expressed.  Most of us learned that long ago.  I did say most of us learned that.  Some folks will write about anything and say anything without thought but most of us won't. 

Around the campfire you won't find folks talking about religion or exactly how or what they believe.  It’s the religion they can't talk about and not the actual belief.  Having a belief in God isn’t really the same thing as religion.  It's the religion that's not an accepted discussion topic.  I have many friends who believe differently than I do.  I have friends and family who belong to different religious organizations.  Who is right and who is wrong?  Of course, we all think we are the ones who are right in what we believe but why argue about it?

I can’t talk about the folks running the country or not running the country.  We can’t talk about being a Democrat or a Republican.   That can really get a conversation going around the donkeycampfire.  Oh, now some of you know very much where Terry stands.  He’s a little more vocal on this than I am.  He has a few “camper-friends” who discuss this topic occasionally or maybe the word is, regularly.  (You boys know exactly who you are.)  However, I mostly just prefer to roll my eyes and keep those inner feelings inner.

The off-limit subjects don’t stop with those or with immigration,  race and social subjects.  It goes on and on.  There are many topics out there and I suppose there will always be.  The hot topics can make some people pretty hot so we’ve learned just to stay away from them.  Well, we’ve learned mostly to stay away from the subjects.  We could throw out a few topics on immigration, pro-life or pro-choice and even the white house dog.  It doesn’t matter what the topic some things are just better left unsaid …. at least until you know the folks better.  The setting around a campfire isn’t always the best place to start these topics. 
We also try to stay away from the subject of money.  You may not think that’s a touchy topic but it can be.  This is something off the table.  It’s private.  There are the haves and the have nots.  The RV world brings folks together and the wealth or lack there of has no part because most RVers  have found everyone really is more equal and money plays little part.  Topics on the economy or fuel prices can probably get you into trouble too.

Talking about food can even get you in trouble but it’s usually one of the safest things to concentrate on.  If you’re a picky eater, you’re not fun to share a meal with.  It’s a red meat and salad battle here. There are some topics that we’ll come out fighting about. One of those is family.

Okay, I'm going to step out on a limb here because current events can be very hot topics. It's not the repeating of the current event. It's the expressing of an opinion. Here is an example. One controversial event is that of Martin vs. Zimmerman or is it Zimmerman vs. Martin?. Some folks had Zimmerman guilty and others had him innocent. Both of these opinions were expressed long before the facts were in. The guilty opinions were much stronger than the innocent opinions but no one really knew. 

So, here's the hot question. Would the result be the same had Zimmerman and Martin been in each other's shoes?  Or, would it have been the same? Obviously, that we will never know but do you dare express an opinion?  See what I mean?

zimmerman martin

One is Zimmerman and the other is Martin.

I’m not saying  these are subjects we never discuss.  Some of you know we do.  These are subjects that are only discussed with the closest of friends.  Like I said we have learned there are some things that are just better left unsaid around the campfire or in any setting.
We certainly may have the freedom of speech but there are many times we really shouldn’t use it. Words can definitely get one in a lot of trouble especially with words that are not thought out first.  We all stumble at times.  We all need to apologize at times for words spoken.  Sure we may be given the right of freedom of speech but using it isn't always the best thing to do.  Writing about our opinions on a blog can fall into that same category depending on the topic.  Regardless of our freedoms there are times we certainly need to bite our tongue  ... figuratively.

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. Paul and I have agreed NOT to discuss politics with anyone around the campfire UNLESS everyone is of the same opinion as ours. When has that happened...NEVER. So we just shut our mouth or go into the MH. AND we have walked away. We like DISCUSSING what is happening in our world today but we aren't going to argue or sit and listen to people degrade the President...Republican or Democrat!
    We usually don't discuss religion either BUT if someone would ever say that Jesus wasn't the Son of God...better look out, now you got a fight on your hands.

    I have no idea what happened that night, and I pray that whatever happens it doesn't lead to race issues. What would that accomplish? Just so sorry it happened!

  2. Principally, you are right about that we do not say what we think about certain topics. I would be one who could say this or that which would get certain people "up the palm tree" as we say in German. But then I think about it again. And I usually find out that if I express my opinion about something like f.ex. politics or religion it most likely will not have a real impact on the matter. If I don't like the president,he will not go away. That is the case with most topics. So why say something? Just to upset my friends? Not worth it. They have their opinion, I have mine. Fine! I can live with that. If I absolutely need to voice my opinion I can do it as a readers response in a major newspaper or the online version of CNN or CBS. And I do that occasionally. And then I never check back. Let others comment on my opinion. Life is too much fun to be angry too often. I know I have gone berserk with bureaucrats some times. But hey, they deserve it,right? Or?

  3. Wow, deep subject. Sad that political correctness has taken over.

    I think we sould just discuss S'more making around the campfire, a sweet subject that everybody loves.

  4. Stirring up trouble again, are you girl? lol There are definitely many subjects we avoid talking about (unless I'm arguing politics with my sister). Then its fun. I think its great when you get to know people well enough to be able to discuss some of those subjects without offending each other. But that takes a lot of time and work. But you're worth it.

  5. I think if we could just learn to respect one another's opinions without getting all upset about things, we could discuss anything. But it seems many have become so emotionally invested in whatever the topic is, that rational discussion becomes impossible. So, how's the weather today?

  6. Interesting topic. I don't think there is any subject that a Blogger CAN'T write about. What's to stop us?

    Saying you CAN'T write or discuss something is far different from saying you WON'T.

    It has nothing to do with Free Speech but everything to do with bloggers wanting to express their opinions on touchy topics but NOT being willing to accept the consequences for their actions.

    Personally, 99% of the time I don't discuss politics or religion for the simple reason most peoples minds are made up and are not about to be changed.

    However, it some other brave blogger raises these topics, I'm only too happy to put my 2 cents worth in because it's not my blog so I don't really care.

    So, I CAN write whatever I want to but I often CHOOSE NOT to.

  7. I find most people have the inability to think empirically. That goes for religion, politics, whatever. Their little minds are made up, and that's that.
    Here's an example of thinking empirically:
    Thirty years ago if you saw someone walking down the street talking to himself, he was "nuts" (well, schizophrenic). Nowadays, he may very well be talking on a cell phone, so we're not quite sure of any perceived mental issues.
    2000 years ago though, if a fellow was hearing voices, why HE MUST BE A PROPHET! Let's write everything down!
    And that's when the mess started.
    Thinking empirically can be a challenge, that's for sure.

  8. Zimmerman, we don't know enough to have an informed opinion. But charges have been filed. WE (the public) will have to wait until it is flushed out in court.
    Opinions are like noses... everybody has one. a lot of them are bias and not well thought out. That's especially true when the topic is either religion or politics.
    Being an old curmudgeon, I have strong opinions on both but usually keep my mouth shut unless invited to comment.

  9. A very well thought out posting and very true in this day and age. Travelling down the middle of the road is the safest route, but there is always a few curves thrown at you that you need to be careful with.

  10. opinions and beliefs are fairly personal and rarely when shared will one convince another that their beliefs are correct... think about it if we all agreed and were all the same... what a boring world it would be!

  11. I wrote a blog about my beliefs. Never posted it, though. Doubt I ever will. That's not a conversation I think is right for this venue. But, the temptation to publish it remains because how you can really know me if you don't know what I believe? But, how many people really want to know a blogger that well, anyway? Maybe, some day around a campfire some of us will have that conversation--I think you'll be surprised if we do, though.
