Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

September 28, 2012

“Keep Your Eyes Peeled”

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

"Keep your eyes peeled"  -- Those four words are ones I use many times when traveling from our kids’ home to our little cabin when it’s dark.  I want two sets of eyes looking for deer along the sides of the road.  This dark road is loaded with them and it is very, very dark.  Thus, another reason we hate to stay out late because the driving is difficult.  Thursday night I said the same thing to Terry but deer isn’t what we found broadsided across the road.  As a matter of fact he saw it first as we came around the corner.  We’re lucky we didn’t hit it.  There was a car across the road that had just been in an accident.  The occupants were still inside.  You never know what to do in situations like this.  What if I was by myself?  I would have been scared to death to stop.  However, Terry was out of the car before we had even come to a full stop.  


In the meantime Terry helped the two dazed 16 year-olds out of their car and on the ground away from the vehicle. There was no cell reception in the area.  I turned around and drove to a house to have them call for help.  By then at least another car had arrived with headlights.  It seems the back tire blew and the driver lost control of the car.  It slammed full force into a tree and spun around.  Both boys were taken by ambulance but will be eventually heal and be fine.  There was no doubt that they had lots of broken ribs, collar bones and who knows what else.  However, the boys were lucky. 

Once the ambulances had left we knew there was no going straight through with the car still across the road and we'd have to take the long way around.  There were more dark roads ahead but thank goodness for our GPS.  We would have had no clue how to do it without the directions from Garmin.

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One thing this has helped us realize again is that every car should carry emergency blankets, pillows, flashlights and flares.  That’s on our agenda today. 

That was the just ending to a very, very long Thursday.  We started it by attempting to clean out closets while getting ready to head south for the winter.  Next on the agenda was a trip in to Vancouver to see my 93 year old Aunt Jenny.  She seemed in pretty good spirits but it’s obvious she’s not quite as sharp as she once was but then who is?

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After we left we headed on over to my brother’s place in Portland. He was trying to drum up extra cash so in order to help a little we had agreed to buy a bike from him. We don’t need a bike. Terry only likes bikes when they come equipped with engines. The good thing about it is that we have a garage to store things like this ….. at Lee’s house. So far we have left lots there including an air compressor, an ATV, propane tanks, a trailer and now a bike.

After that 100 plus mile trip to bid our goodbyes, we still had planned on moving the motorhome from it’s summer storage place close to our daughter’s to our son’s driveway.  That wasn’t a long drive …. about two miles.  We wanted full hookups to clean it out, stock it up and get it ready for the road.accd2

Next came some cleaning out of closets.  After all if we hadn’t worn those things all summer why haul them with us.  Bags were loaded in the car and the buckets came out for washing down the bathroom.  Then … came the brakes.  It was a little text from Sabrina wanting me to pick up Mike from school so Lee wouldn’t have to …. another 40 miles round trip.  My response to her was “Aargh” but I went.

We still weren't done for the day.  It was definitely a long one but we still had a soccer game to go to at the high school.  We want to go to the home games.  Normally we have two games but Sandi wasn't playing Thursday.  However, Jordie was.    It was another one of those double overtime ones and it didn’t get over early.  Whoever said that winning isn’t everything and that how you played the game was more important had never been to a varsity game of any kind.  Winning seems to be the only important thing.  It was a good game and they won so we were happy.

It was also a very long day by the time we crawled into bed ... a very long day.  The good thing is we did get a lot accomplished.  We also decided on a route south but I’ll share that down the road.


‘Tis a busy life on the road.


  1. I've often dreaded what I would do it I encountered an accident. Doug, like Terry, would know what to do and could do it. Me - I might cry. But you know, sometimes we surprise ourselves.

  2. Atta boy, Terry! That's his good Navy training kicking in to help those boys. You just can't be too careful driving. Nice idea for the emergency kit, you never know when it might be needed.

    With all of Lee's talent fro selling, maybe most of the stuff you're leaaving behind might be sold by the time you get back next spring... ;c)

  3. Looks like came along at the right moment. To get those kids out of the car and call an ambulance for them, quick thinking. Glad that they will be alright.
    Busy days really wear you out but you made it thru. Getting you coach ready to hit the road soon, we are pretty well ready too.

  4. Nice job being a good Samaritan, if we spend enough time on the roads its most likely we'll all encounter a similar situation. Like the boys scouts it's best to be prepared.

  5. Jim was on the rescue squad in VA so I know he'd be able to handle it. But probably not me. I'm pretty useless. But hopefully I'd surprise myself. I loved your quote today.

  6. Turning my car around to go for help. Yup, that I could do. And I carry a pillow and a blanket but not two of them. Glad to know the kids will be OK.

  7. So glad you two were the ones to come upon the accident. There might have been others that would have turned around and left. Hope those kids are doing well today.

    Sounds like you two are JUST about ready to head out. Not sure what the family is going to do without you two and all you do for them.

    Safe travels our dear friends.

  8. Good for Terry in jumping to the rescue of those two young teenagers - I sure hope they are doing o.k. and learn something from their close call.

    Sounds like the last minute rush is well under way before you take off for AZ. Looking forward to seeing your planned route.
