Adventures in our Motorhome - 2012 Blog

September 21, 2012

Zipping Through Quartzsite in September?

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.

Now that we’ve got the things we needed to do behind us we almost feel as if we’re on vacation.  When else do you have a rental car, a hotel and run around all day looking at things.  _917_t2Isn’t that vacation?  Actually, we are staying longer than we figured.  We didn’t bring much in the line of leisure clothes so we went shopping.  We know lots of discount places in this area.  One place I really like is the Dillard’s Outlet.  We had one of these when we lived in Dallas.  Everything is at least 65% off and many things are reduced much more than that.  Terry needed pants and wanted a couple of new shirts plus other stuff.  There are definitely some great places to find stuff in this area.

Check out the bargain on this tag!  Regular price $425 – Sale price $148.75.  What a bargain!!  You'd think the t-shirt would be nice looking but I didn’t even like it!

Monday we decided to take a drive.  Boy, did we take a drive.  We went to Parker and Quartzsite.  Normally we only visit these places during the winter months.  We didn’t expect to see those places popping with people.  We also didn’t expect to see any RVs boondocking on BLM land.  Temperature was over 100 degrees!  However, we did see 3 RVs out there and they were boondocking!!  Many places in Quartzsite weren’t open yet but there were a few locals around.  We were going to stop at the Palo Verde Restaurant but it was even closed.

A while back I wrote a blog comparing the local law enforcement in that town to how we think of Boss Hogg.  Thus, we were anxious to get an update on the local Chief of Police, the mayor and the police officers who had been placed on administrative leave.  Rumor has it that the officers are now working for the Parker Police Department and the Chief of Police is on administrative leave while being investigated.  Other officials on the City Council have been replaced and the town appears to be trying to clean things up.  Well, that’s only how it appears but I have no idea.  That’s the rumors.  My previous blog is here.

While in Parker we did a couple things.  First of all we renewed the license plates on our ATV.  We also checked out a brand new RV park.  It’s the Pirate’s Den Resort!  What a park!  It sits right on the Colorado River with a sandy beach and cabanas.  The bad part is that all the beachfront sites are full and they have a very long waiting list.  If I can’t have a front row site, I’m not interested.  Wi-Fi has been installed throughout the park but cell service is pretty poor regardless of your carrier.  However, they have a gem of a place and I’m sure folks will flock there.  I'm also thinking that there may be many openings in RV parks this winter.  If the rumors of very high fuel prices come true, many snowbirds may not travel south. 

Pirate's Den RV Park
The bar and grill

The highlight of the day was meeting Jim and Sandie at Texas Roadhouse back in Mesa that evening.  The food was fantastic and we enjoyed it immensely.  However, we normally enjoy anyplace we go with the Dixons.  They’re fantastic people and we couldn’t ask for better friends!

‘Tis life on the road.


  1. how nice that you got to meet up with Jim and Sandie!!!

  2. I'm just trying to figure out what them to YOUNG women are doing hanging out with those to OLD guys.

  3. It was so good to see you guys and spend a short time with you. You guys are the best and we love you. Have a safe trip back south.

  4. $148 for a T-shirt? Oh wait, it was "regular" $425? Oy. Did they use gold thread?
    Neat that you met the Dixons.

    1. HAHA -- No gold, no silver but it had the right label on it .. I guess.

  5. Oh, and since I'm just a tad nosey, I did a little search on "Boss Hogg". I see that by now he's cleaned out his desk?
    Well, unless he didn't come back from Alabama. I guess he won't be missed.
    Juicy stuff!

    1. We were told charges were probably pending. I think it's probably about time!

  6. Hope you guys are planning to return to Q in January, we are hoping to be there again and would love to hang out as we all did last year! Loved and miss those nights gathered around the campfire!

    Have fun on vacation and $148 is no bargain for a t-shirt...for that kind of money we could live off of for months!

  7. Ahh, Quartzsite, we sure had a great time there last winter. Is was especially nice because we got to meet you. Fond memories of us riding the scooters with you on your monstr ATV. Looking forward to the next time.

  8. PS: I think the police chief has left town and now works as an Arkansas State Trooper directing traffic...

  9. I looked at the picture of you all at Texas Roadhouse and started to wish I was there with you. Then I remembered where you are. :)

  10. The Pirate's Den looks like a nice park - there aren't too many of those around Q.

  11. It's good to see photos of Quartzsite again. I guess we'll all be there before we know it. Glad you were able to meet up for dinner with the Dixons!

  12. Nice that you drove thru the ghost town of Quartzsite in the summer, what an amazing change from the winter months. Can't wait to hit the road again.

  13. I'm with Bob on the $148 for a frikkin' T-Shirt !! Me Nerves !

    Just the mention of Q and Parker has me wanting (even more) to get back there. Sure wish I didn't have to drive a gazillion miles though.

    Next Spring/Summer I'll be staying on the West Coast.
